What Causes Air Pollution /08
Air 78% Nitrogen 20 % Oxygen Carbon Dioxide, Argon and water vapor
Primary Pollutant Put directly into the air by human activity Example: Particulates from smoke
Secondary Pollutants Form when primary pollutants react with naturally occurring substances such as water vapor
Example: Ground level ozone forms when Ultraviolet light causes emissions from cars to react with Oxygen from the atmosphere
Primary Pollutants Carbon Monoxide Incomplete burning of fossil fuels Lowers blood oxygen levels Video
Nitrogen Oxides Combustion temperatures above 538 C. From fuels in autos and power plants Causes Lung disease and cancer
Sulfur Dioxide Comes from burning fossil fuels and Volcanoes Forms sulfuric acid and acid precipitation Harmful to plant and animal life
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Vaporize readily Vehicles a major source Smog formation, cancer, harmful to plants
Particulate Matter (PM) Many sources – in valley agriculture and autos Respiratory problems, cancer. Corrosion of metal and cement.
Motor Vehicle Emissions Almost one third of our air pollution comes from vehicle emissions Clean Air Act 1970 and 1990 gives Us ability to regulate Lead in gasoline gone
California Wants standards stricter than US but can not ZEV – Zero Emission Vehicle program Electric cars and fuel cell cars
Industrial Air Pollution Burning of Fossil fuels in many industries Also, some give off VOC’s Locally PM are monitored at farms and gravel mines Air scrubber for VOC
Smog From chemical reactions that involve sunlight, air, auto exhaust and ozone
Temperature Inversion High Pressure can trap air under it forming an inversion