Articles (A, An, The) Some & Any
1.1 Articles 'A', 'An' a girl a university a European a hospital A' and 'an' are indefinite articles. 'A' is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound. Usage Practice a girl a university a European a hospital
Articles 'A', 'An' an airliner an hour an heir an `m' 'An' is used before a word starting with a vowel sound. Usage Practice an airliner an hour an heir an `m'
We also use 'a' or 'an' refer to any one person or thing (A boy, a chair, an umbrella) For a singular, countable noun mentioned for the first time. When there is a further reference to it, we use 'the‘ I saw a child. The child was crying. An accident occurred at the crossroads recently. The accident was reported in the newspapers.
We also use 'a' or 'an' In expressions of speed, price, time and measurement He drove at forty kilometres an hour. There are ten decimetres in a metre. Before the names of persons that we do not know A Mrs Jones has just moved in next door. He is going out for lunch with a Mr Richards.
NOT! We do NOT use a' or 'an' before plural nouns, uncountable nouns and abstract nouns.
1.2 Article 'The' ‘The' is a definite article We use it To refer to a particular person or thing The boy that you spoke to is my brother. I'd like to speak to the man who owns this place. To refer to the representative of a class of persons or things: The lion is known as the king of beasts. Society respects the honest person.
Before the names of certain rivers, oceans, islands, mountain, ranges and countries: the Congo River the Atlantic Ocean the Philippines the Himalayas the United States of America the Hawaiian Islands
Before things of which there is only one: the sun the earth the world the floor
In comparisons: the best the most beautiful the more the merrier the higher the better the loudest
Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with 'a', 'an' or `the' They had ______ picnic in _______woods near their house. They spent ______ enjoyable hour wading in _______stream. ______ stream joins ______ stream further on. 2. ______ Youth Club in Cherry Park is organizing ______ party for _____ poor children of ____ district. _____ party will be held on ____ Sunday after next. ______few members of _____club have already started collecting funds for _____ purpose.
He is ____eccentric old man and ____ rich one as well He is ____eccentric old man and ____ rich one as well. He has ____queer habit of sleeping _____the whole day and remaining awake ____whole night. Miss Lester, ____teacher in _____institute of Technology, gave ____pupils in her class ____ Economics test. They had to complete ____ test within ____ hour.
___landing of Apollo 11 on ____ moon is ____landmark in ____ history of man. _____ success of ____ flight has led to ____ even greater effort on ___ part of ___ countries concerned; namely, ____ U.S.A. and ____ U.S.S.R..
6. Betty’s uncle is __reporter on __’Daily Times’ 6. Betty’s uncle is __reporter on __’Daily Times’. He says that __work of reporter is certainly not __bed of roses, but adds that it is __ interesting job. 7. ___friend of mine is studying in __university in __ United States. He returns once __year to visit his family. Since I am __old friend, he always brings me __little present from overseas.
8. He was __stranger, wearing __uniform of __unknown institute 8. He was __stranger, wearing __uniform of __unknown institute. But he carried himself with such __air of distinction that __villagers he met on __dusty streets were filled with awe at __sight of him.
9. ___experienced climber has no fear of heights 9. ___experienced climber has no fear of heights. He has __uncanny instinct that leads him to step in __right places, even in __dark. Above all, he has __genuine love for __mountains.
10. ___certain Mr. Brown called on __phone and asked for you 10. ___certain Mr. Brown called on __phone and asked for you. You were not in at __time, so I asked him to call again in __ hour.