This experiment is to obtain the excitation functions of the 13 C (α, α) 17 O elastic scattering at the initial beam energy 13 C from 1.7Mev/A till energies close to zero by using the Thick Target Inverse Kinematics method (TTIK). The experiment will be made in Astana by using a new heavy ion accelerator DC-60 which provides beams with the energy 1.75 MeV/nucleon. The experimental data will be analyzed using R-matrix method to determine excitation energies, quantum characteristics and widths of the 17 O levels near the threshold of the decay into 13 C and α-particle. [2] Experimental Setup Study of the resonance α+ 13 C interaction at low energies: Optimization of parameters of the beam shape D. Beznosko (1), А. Batyrkhanov (1), Т. Beremkulov (1), А. Duspayev (1), V. Goldberg (3), A. Iakovlev (2), N. Mynbayev (2), D. Nauruzbayev (2), A. Nurmukhanbetova (2), G. Rogachev (3), М. Yessenov (1)* (1) Cosmic Rays and Particles group, Nazarbayev University, Astana, KZ (2) National Laboratory Astana, Astana, KZ (3) Texas A&M University, Cyclotron Institute, USA * presenter Bibliography [1] HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Electron Tube Division, 314-5, Shimokanzo, Iwata City, Shizuoka Pref., , Japan, [2] Mynbayev, N. A., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Gol’dberg, V. Z., Golovkov, M. S., Rogachev,... & Tribble, R. E. (2014). Study of the excitation function for the 13C+ 4He elastic scattering with the thick-target inverse kinematics method. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,119(4), [3] D. Beznosko, G. Blazey, A. Dyshkant, V. Rykalin, J. Schellpffer, V. Zutshi, "Modular Design for Narrow Scintillating Cells with MRS Photodiodes in Strong Magnetic Field for ILC Detector", NIM A 564: ,2006. [4] Mesytec GmbH & Co. KG, Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 1, Putzbrunn Germany. An Eljen 201 plastic scintillator piece 30 mm x 30 mm x 5 mm will be used. I. With alpha source, the optical cross- talk between PTM channels via scintillator itself will be measured. II. The scintillator piece will be grooved 2-2mm deep, grooves will be filled with TiO 2, and cross talk will be measured again Abstract For measurement accuracy and errors reduction the profiling of the beam within the experimental camera is needed. For that we proposed to use 64-channel (H 7546B) Hamamatsu [1] PMT with plastic scintillator in front of it, placed within the camera after the beam window. Plastic scintillator R&D DAQ Current results An accelerated 13 C beam enters scattering chamber filled with helium-4 (99.9%) passing through a thin window (with 2.5-µm havar film). Helium-4 plays role of target and degrader for a entering beam. The pressure in the chamber is chosen such that the beam stopped in helium at a distance of 50 mm from the back wall of the chamber, where detectors placed. Detection is made by 15 square p-i-n Si detectors with an area of 100 mm 2 and a thickness about 350 µm. The energy resolution of detectors was about 30 keV. [2]. Beam profiling will be done both in vacuum and at working pressure. Shaper Mesytec STM 16+ differential [4] 16 channel NIM module, low power design 2 shaping times: 0.5 us/1 us or 2us/5us Low noise: < 7uV Digital delay of 450 ns for timing stop ECL timing output Trigger output Multiplicity trigger Remote control of discriminator thresholds and gains Mesytec MADC-32 [4] 800 ns, 1.6 us, 6.4us conversion time for 32 channels with 2k, 4k, 8k resolution. Zero suppression with individual thresholds Two register adjustable gate generators are built in Calibration run: PMT and its holder Shaper ADC PC PMT with holder The main part of the experiment is an elastic scattering interaction cross-section + 13 C. Excitation function of elastic scattering reaction at 0 degree relative to beam direction in center of mass system is shown in Figure below. In this work, at first time we succeeded to observe resonances in the + 13 C interaction at the lowest energies at 0 degree where resonances dominate over the potential scattering. As a result we have found new structures in the region in question. Our experimental data will be analyzed further by R-matrix method to understand these peaks [2] Layout of the experiment using TTIK method Motivation 2 run types: I.Calibration run: PMT is placed at different distance from beam entering window to obtain the picture of beam development II.Science run: Without PMT Input range, register selectable 4 V, 8 V, 10 V Analysis NSCL Data Acquisition System software Grooved plastic scintillator [3] Beamline testing of measuring beam profile setup using both smooth and grooved plastic scintillator is planned for August 2015 Excitation function of elastic scattering reaction at 0 degree PMT holder and connector rig