FGDC Steering Committee Meeting June 5, 2008 Geospatial LoB Update
2 Overview Update on LoB Activities –FY 2010 Funding Strategy –Reporting on OMB Memo Status Report on LoB Workgroups –Recent Activities –Upcoming Milestones Lifecycle Management Workgroup Report –Challenges and Solutions for OMB Circular A-16 Next Steps
Funding Strategy OMB requested that all E-gov Line of Business initiatives submit funding strategies for the FY 2010 budget cycle by June 6, Discussed this topic with agency representatives during the FGDC Coordination Group meeting May 28 Recommendation is to continue the current funding algorithm at a slightly lower funding level for FY The proposed funding strategy (algorithm and funding levels) is unchanged from what is documented in the FY 2009 GeoLOB Joint Business Case, which was agreed to by all partner agencies last year. We are asking that SAOGIs concur with this measure to secure funding in the budget for FY 2010.
4 OMB Memo With OMB Memo of August, 2006, OMB requested that all E-gov Lines of Business establish base-line spending plans and report actual costs against those baselines. This is not a new data call. Reporting was to take place at the individual Department level, and some Departments have been reporting over the last two years. Recently, OMB asked agencies that do not have baseline spending plans to complete them by June 6, 2008, and report actual spending against those plans through Q2 FY The Managing Partner Agency of the Geo LOB provided a method and data to help make this easier for other partner agencies last week. Agencies can use information provided, or use their own data to satisfy this request as long as they meet the June 6 deadline.
5 Common Services Work Group Report Workgroup Lead: Matt Leopard (EPA) Activities Accomplished to Date: Analyzed past ELA data call information Conducted workshops to plan SmartBUY expansion approach Gained GSA support for selected list of Tier 1 and 2 vendors Sought licensing requirements from the 34 agency participants In full-day Work Group off-site, planned the launch of the SmartBUY multi- vendor BPA for geospatial software and services. Working closely with GSA on this. Unveiled a working prototype for the Geospatial Software Repository Activities Planned: Quantify agency SmartBUY requirements, constraints, and interests Hold SmartBUY Workshop to validate requirements with Federal Agencies Complete SmartBUY Negotiation Strategy Work with GSA to set up vendor days in June/July timeframe and award contracts tentatively slotted for September
6 Common Services Work Group Report Key Milestones: Completion of common services scope requirements and Acquisition Plan (January 31, 2008) Selection of approaches to pursue (April 30, 2008) Completion of SmartBUY Negotiation Strategy (June 30, 2008) Seek award of at least two ELAs (or SmartBUY with at least two vendors) by the end of the Calendar Year (striving for the end of the Fiscal Year) Deploy V 1.0 of Software Solutions Repository by October 31, 2008
7 Performance Management Work Group Work Group Lead: John Mahoney (DOI-USGS) Recent Activities: Transition of FGDC Task Force to Coordination Group (January 15, 2008) Completed Geo LoB Strategic Plan per OMB Passback (March 14, 2008) Completed Final LoB Performance Management Plan (March 31, 2008) Key Milestones: Review and revise FGDC operations groups and procedures (September 30, 2008) Review & recommend revisions to the existing FGDC Coordination Group and FGDC Steering Committee Charters (Summer 2008) With Lifecycle Management Workgroup, coordinate with agency theme leads on draft LoB definitions of theme lead responsibilities and A-16 revisions. (Summer 2008) With Lifecycle Management Workgroup (and OMB concurrence) implement proposed changes to A-16 Appendix on data themes (March 31, 2009)
888 Grants & Contracts Work Group Workgroup Lead: Lew Sanford (DOJ) Recent Activities: Revised the draft Geospatial Grants & Contracts Guidance Language document (pre-final draft May 29, 2008) Plan to present draft Geospatial Grants & Contracts Guidance Language document to OMB/OIRA by mid to late-June Key Milestones: Development of model geospatial grants guidance language (September 31, 2008) Development of voluntary agency-specific contract language models (September 31, 2008) Approved timeline for changes to FAR/DFAR or addition to contracts (December 31, 2008)
9 Technical Architecture Work Group Workgroup Lead: Doug Nebert (FGDC) Recent Activities: Continued to review and revise the Geospatial Profile v2.0 --on track to send to AIC and the FGDC Coordination Group June 6, 2008 Key Milestones: Submit FEA Geospatial Profile, Version 2.0 to AIC and the FGDC Coordination Group (June 6, 2008) Investigate and document operational demands and requirements of geospatial Web services and related content standards and formats as “Best Practices” for federal operators or contractors (June 1, 2009)
10 A presentation on A-16 Themes for The FGDC Steering Committee June 5, by Wendy Blake-Coleman US EPA Lifecycle Management Work Group
11 Briefing Purpose Summarize challenges/opportunities with existing OMB Circular A-16 document and processes Review issues being addressed by the Geospatial LOB Lifecycle Management Work Group Discuss Work Group products and timeline Request FGDC Steering Committee approval on selected Work Group products in Fall 2008
12 Challenges with Current A-16 Processes Critical data often are not available for business processes in timeframe necessary, or not available at all Geographic data approach in A-16 should be better aligned with business process approaches (e.g. FEA) which have emerged since 2002 Long timeframes to complete national data sets can lead to duplicative efforts, decreased performance, and increased costs Inconsistent A-16 portfolio management and reporting limits the ability to evaluate completion schedules and cost of A-16 themes and datasets Need for improved communication and coordination across multiple programs, initiatives, and stakeholders
13 Lifecycle Management Work Group Structure Lifecycle Management Work Group has 30 members from 10 Federal Departments and Independent Agencies –Work Group Lead: Wendy Blake-Coleman, EPA –Include representatives from both geospatial data- producing and geospatial data-using agencies Work Group includes three sub-groups –OMB Circular A-16 Definitions: Dennis Crow, USDA, Lead –Lifecycle: Jeff Booth, DOE, Co-lead –Theme Content: Michael Lee, USGS/DHS, and David LaBranche, DOD, Co-Leads
14 Lifecycle Management Work Group Activities Evaluating “as-is” state of OMB Circular A-16 and impact on theme/dataset portfolio management –Definitions –Management and reporting responsibilities –Scope Drafting improvement strategy for A-16 portfolio management –Providing more precise operational definitions –Defining nationally significant themes/datasets –Creating criteria to add, delete, or consolidate themes/datasets –Incorporating the entire lifecycle management practices into portfolio management –Identifying opportunities for efficient data development
15 Lifecycle Management Work Group Activities Developing supplemental guidance for implementation of A-16 portfolio management and reporting –More robust definitions –Clearer roles and responsibilities –More consistent reporting process –As appropriate changes to Appendix E: NSDI Data Themes, Definitions, and Lead Agencies Providing FGDC Coordination Group with a suite of processes to: –Track and evaluate progress for completing the NSDI –Make recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee on: Setting priorities for cross government partnerships Amending the management or composition of themes/data under OMB Circular A-16 Data development efficiencies
16 Process Flow for Lifecycle Management Work Group 2008 Deliverables & Activities
17 Next Steps in 2008 June/July Complete first round of draft products June /July 2008 – Provide products to FGDC Coordination Group for review Summer Geo LOB will convene an A-16 theme lead meeting to review draft recommendations and products Summer Provide products to FGDC Steering Committee for review Late Summer Provide input on annual agency A-16 Theme Status Report to FGDC Fall Solicit Feedback from NGAC on Workgroup Products December 2008 – Finalize supplemental OMB Circular A-16 Guidance
18 Summary of Lifecycle Management Workgroup Products in the Fall of 2008 Common Geospatial Terms Lexicon Updated definitions of OMB Circular A-16 terms, roles, and responsibilities Criteria to assess designation of nationally significant themes/data sets Comprehensive definition of geospatial data lifecycle phases Candidate data lifecycle best management practices Documented process to add, delete, or modify OMB circular A-16 themes Best practice for aligning homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 ( HSPD-7) geospatial data requirements with OMB Circular A-16 geospatial data themes and theme leadership roles and responsibilities
19 Presentation Discussion Questions/Comments?