IFORMBUILDER WEBSITE REQUIREMENTS To access the iFormBuilder website, you need the following items: -Reliable internet connection -Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome -Latest version of Adobe Flash plugin NOTE: You cannot build forms using the website on a tablet! You need a PC with Adobe Flash!
ACCESSING IFORMBUILDER WEBSITE To access the iFormBuilder website, open an Internet browser and type: Click the Sign In button
IFORM BUILDER – ADMIN LOGIN On the next screen enter the username and password you received when requesting your license. Click the Log In button when done. If successful, the iForm website will load.
WEBSITE INTERFACE These are the main elements of the iFormBuilder website: Main MenuUsernameProfile IDLogout Data Grid Knowledge Base
MAIN MENU Main Menu components: Data tab Review data from forms that have been assigned to a user Forms tab Form Assignment – assign forms to users Form Builder – create forms Form Group – create groups of forms for easy assignment Users tab Notifications – Send notifications to users with devices Add/Edit users – create /modify users My Profile – Modify current user User Group – create groups of users for easy administration Compan y tab Company Info – company customization & settings License – Manage used and remaining licenses User Location – Determine location of each field agent (if GPS enabled) Support tab Wiki – Documentation on using iFormBuilder Community – Community forums about iFormBuilder CRS Helpdesk – Create a helpdesk ticket with the CRS helpdesk
ADDING USERS Under the Users Menu select Add/Edit Users To add a user click the + New button
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA After you collect the data, you can review it using the Data tab There are multiple views / formats you can view your data in: -List View -Map view (if GPS data embedded) -Graph View (if numeric data collected) -HTML view -Excel -Excel flat (subforms embedded)
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA iForm also allows for data feeds, which you can tap into using development tools to get data on regular intervals -Excel -Excel + -XML -JSON -RSS -Atom If you want to get data using the feeds, select the data format that your development tools support. There is no best way or best data feeds. It depends on the tools you use or the method the developer knows
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA List View Click a row to select it Click View Detail to view the full record details Click Delete Selected to delete the current record Emty table will delete all dataClick Assign Selected to assign this record back to a person Revert an assigned record Create a new record using the web intefrace Upload CSV (excel) data
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA Click Edit to modify the record Click Duplicate Record, to create a copy of this record
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA Record has been deleted
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA All data in the table has been deleted
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA “Assign Selected” is used when you want to send a record back or assign it to someone else to correct or update it Select the users you want to assign the record to and click Assign
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA Create New Record Fill out the data and click Save
VIEWING & UPDATING DATA Exporting data to Access Save the file Open Access, create or open your database Locate the file and click Ok Click Ok Data is imported
ASSIGNING FORMS There can be many forms under one profile The Administrator can choose which user can view or collect data for each form You can have one set of users that can collect data for form1, another set of users that collects data for form2, etc. All of this is done in the form assignment link
ASSIGNING FORMS (CONTINUED) Form name Form type (shared or normal) Created by Creation Date Who can collect data (on device) Who can view the collected data Shared forms are forms that are shared from another iFormBuilder profile (account). Shared forms can be used to collect data, but cannot be modified Normal forms are forms that are located in YOUR account, and the data will be collected in your account. You can modify these forms at any time.
ASSIGNING FORMS (CONTINUED) Users that collect the data may not need view data permissions. This is only for VIEWING / EDITING the data AFTER it’s collected Enumerators can view / edit the data on their devices (if the device is set up that way) Data managers may not need data collection rights to collect data on their device (you have to decide this per project level, each project is different)
User that we want to assign the form to Rights to collect data on a device Rights to view data on the PC
ASSIGNING FORMS - TIPS Define your users early: o Who need to collects the data, o Who will view / edit the collected data M&E Managers should be in charge of viewing the data Assign main forms ONLY to data collectors Remove sub-forms (do not assign collect to data collectors) to avoid confusion Create Form Groups to facilitate and expedite the assignment of forms
ASSIGNING FORMS – MORE OPTIONS alert Post XML Form sharing alert: -When data is submitted, it’s also ed to the you provide (done at the moment when synchronization occurs, so it needs internet) Post XML: -When data is submitted, it’s also submitted to the URL and a web service you provide. That will push the data to a service you control to capture the data
ASSIGNING FORMS – MORE OPTIONS alert Post XML Form sharing Form Sharing: -Share any form to any profile -Super administrator only! (The super administrator controls all accounts under CRS) -Contact helpdesk if you need this feature
FORM GROUPING Forms that are frequently used can be grouped together Forms can be grouped by function, sector, enumerator type, etc. Example: -Agriculture forms -Microfinance forms -Project registration forms -Beneficiary registration forms -Health forms
FORM GROUPING Click new to add group
FORM GROUPING Provide a name for the group Provide a label for the group Select the forms you want to belong to the group Click the Create button to create the Form Group
ADDING USERS (CONTINUED) Populate fields in the Create User form: Required fields: Enter the Username that the user will use to authenticate to iForm Enter their (can be admin person ) Enter Initial Password Confirm Password Optional fields: Enter the First and Last Name of the user Select level of access: - Right to create forms – create/delete forms - Admin - add / delete / edit users
ADDING USERS (CONTINUED) Click Create User to complete step Example populated form for a user that can create forms NOTE: For enumerators (people collecting data) you don’t want them to have rights to create form or admin rights They can be assigned forms for data collection without giving them this type of access
FINDING USERS - NAVIGATION User can create forms User is an Admin Search by criteria To navigate through existing users you can either: Use the scroll bar on the right to find the name Enter a key word in the Find field on the Search button
FINDING USERS - NAVIGATION Number of records per page Change the current page Move to next page Move to last page Move to first / previous page Additional navigation buttons
ADDING USERS – TIPS Add the users that need access to your system Start with the admin accounts Proceed with the form builders Then last add the data collector accounts Create a separate account for each user! This will allow for accountability in the event that something goes wrong. Group your users by role so you can easily assign forms / tasks to them
ADDING USER GROUPS Click + New to create a new user group The data grid is empty, meaning there are no groups defined yet
ADDING USER GROUPS Click Create to create the group Select the users you want to assign to the group by clicking the check box Provide a descriptive name to the group
ADDING USER GROUPS The newly created group is listed in the data grid now To modify group (add / remove members, change name), select Group, then click Edit To delete group, select group, then click the Delete icon
LICENSE MANAGEMENT BASICS An iForm license is used per user, per device, per month If you use 1 username (ex. Drcdemo) on 2 devices, you are using 2 licenses, even though you are using 1 username If you remove a license, the device cannot log on to the same profile for 7 days If a license is available, a device will consume it. You cannot assign licenses to individual devices, it’s an automatic process, first come first served
LICENSE MANAGEMENT BASICS If you are not using a license, or a license has been inactive for some period of time, delete it to free licenses for other devices You can check the status of licenses in the License Manager
LICENSE MANAGEMENT Username used to log on last Device ID Name of the software using the license Software version Device type Version of the operating system Last Logon Date Number of licenses remaining Number of transactions (received records since the beginning of the month)
LICENSE MANAGEMENT Last Logon Date General Licensing tips: -Check the last logon date on a license -If it has not been used for more than a month, delete the license -Use this page to track the iForm version and iOS version your users have installed
LICENSE MANAGEMENT Removing a license Click Delete to delete the license Click Remote Wipe Device to delete ALL data (including software) on the device -> To be used only if device has been stolen Click Ok to delete license You cannot use the same username / device for 7 days
LICENSE MANAGEMENT Wiping a device Click Ok to Wipe the device -> To be used only if device has been stolen