Learning Intension: 1. What the Eucharist is and means to myself and others. Success Criteria: 1.I can recall prior learning of the Sacraments 2.I can.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Intension: 1. What the Eucharist is and means to myself and others. Success Criteria: 1.I can recall prior learning of the Sacraments 2.I can discuss how my understanding of the Eucharist has developed/changed. 3.I have participated in opportunities of prayer based upon my learning.


Pope Benedict XVI

Learning Intension: 1. I will explore, compare and contrast Passover and the Last Supper. Success Criteria: 1.I can describe the celebration of Passover 2.I can make contrasts between Passover and the Last Supper 3.I can express the significance of the Last Supper in relation to the Eucharist and salvation.


1.No lamb at the Last Supper – John the Baptist upon seeing Jesus for the 1 st time said ‘Behold the Lamb of God’ – Jesus Christ is the Lamb of Passover! 2.Why bread? Jesus wished to be the new Manna in the desert – the food which endures to eternal life. The food by means of which man can survive death 3.Why wine? I am the Vine, you are the branches, Jesus said. He who abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing. His blood is, so to speak, to course through our veins like everliving wine offering us everlasting life! 4.Breaking of the bread – He would be broken for us. ‘Greater love has no man than this, that he should lay down his life for his friends’. 5.Time – Jesus died at the very time when the Temple of Jerusalem was swimming in blood because of the thousands upon thousands of lambs being sacrificed there. Jesus was saying – I am the one sacrifice that reconciles Heaven & Earth.

6. Jesus transformed Passover when he said: ‘Do this in memory of me’. For the Jews Passover was a sacred remembrance of God, their liberator from slavery. Now Jesus Christ is placing Himself in God’s place and was preparing for a still greater act of liberation than the exodus from Egypt ever was. HE WOULD DIE SO THAT WE MIGHT LIVE!!!

Learning Intension: 1. Explore the sacrificial nature of the Mass which Christ began in the upper room and concluded on Calvary. Success Criteria: 1.I can share my ideas about things which should be remembered. 2.I can express why the death of Jesus which fit into this category. 3.I know when we celebrate Mass we offer the Sacrifice of Christ to God again and again.


Learning Intension: 1.I am learning that going to Mass is an obligation but also a privilege. Success Criteria: 1.I have explored some human responses to Mass attendance. 2.I have listened to some history re the Obligation to attend Mass. 3.I know that many have died for the privileged of going to Mass and have reflected upon why this is.


1.As a child I was made to wash. 2.People who keep on washing are hypocrites who think they are cleaner than other people. 3.There are so many different kinds of soap – How do I know which one is best for me? 4.All the water companies are simply after our money. 5.I’ve tried washing from time to time but it was always so boring and always the same. 6.It’s always so cold and uninviting in the bathroom. 7.I do wash at Christmas and Easter – Surely that’s enough. 8.None of my friends seem to think it’s necessary to wash. 9.I really don’t have time to wash. 10.Maybe I’ll wash when I’m older.


Learning Intension: 1. I am developing my understanding of the importance/significance of the Eucharist by learning about the feast of Corpus Christi & Adoration Success Criteria: 1.I know what the Feast of Corpus Christi is and why it is celebrated. 2.I can describe what Eucharistic Adoration is and why people take part in it. 3.I have had an opportunity to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament/take part in a Corpus Christi Procession.

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, more commonly known by its Latin name the Feast of Corpus Christi, is celebrated in honour of Christ’s institution of the Holy Eucharist on Good Thursday. The introduction of the feast is traced to a vision received by St. Juliana of Mont-Cornillon, early in the 13 th century. On this feast we celebrate Christ’s presence in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar – The Eucharist. Today, this Feast is celebrated worldwide in a variety of different ways but most involve some sort of Eucharistic procession like the one you can see in the following video. Our Faith teaches us that in the consecrated host we find Jesus Christ, truly present. Body, blood, soul and divinity.

Adoration is an ancient tradition of the Church. As Catholics we believe that at the consecration during the Mass, the bread and wine cease to exist and in their place are the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. This is the Eucharist. The Eucharist isn't simply a symbol or a sign of Jesus ‐ Jesus is really present under the appearance of bread and wine. At Mass we can make a communion with Jesus in the Eucharist. Outside of Mass, we can visit Jesus (who is present in the Eucharist). When we pray to Jesus who is before us as the Eucharist, we adore him. This is what adoration is.

Learning Intension: 1. How the Eucharist nourishes us spiritually. Success Criteria: 1.I can put into my own words all learning from this unit. 2.I can describe how my understanding of the Eucharist has changed. 3.I know that my developed knowledge and understanding of the Eucharist and my opportunity to pray with the Eucharist will impact my life.

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Utilise this/these period/s to surmise your learning of this topic. This can be done in a variety of different ways. You should be as creative as you like but it must be emphasised that you need to display knowledge and understanding of the topic. Some pupils may simply select to write an essay, others produce a powerpoint and others still produce a piece of art work.