Multimedia Programming 13: Review and term project Departments of Digital Contents Sang Il Park
중간고사 ! 10 월 15 일 월요일 오후 7 시 ~9 시 충무관 210 호 필기고사
Outline Review Topics for the term project
What you’ve learned so far: OpenCV Image Processing –Image filtering Brightness/Contrast Gamma Histogram Equalization Blur Filtering Unsharp Filter –Image Warping Scaling/Rotation/Shearing Translation Recovering Transformation Image Morphing
HelloCV #include "stdafx.h" #include int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { IplImage * img; img = cvLoadImage("d:\\test.jpg"); cvNamedWindow("HelloCV"); cvShowImage("HelloCV", img); cvWaitKey(); cvDestroyWindow("HelloCV"); cvReleaseImage(&img); return 0; } IplImage cvLoadImage cvReleaseImage cvNamedWindow cvShowImage cvDestroyWindow cvWaitKey
Image structure IplImage (Image Processing Library) typedef struct _IplImage { int nSize; /* size of iplImage struct */ int ID; /* image header version */ int nChannels; int alphaChannel; int depth; /* pixel depth in bits */ char colorModel[4]; char channelSeq[4]; int dataOrder; int origin; int align; /* 4- or 8-byte align */ int width; int height; struct _IplROI *roi; /* pointer to ROI if any */ struct _IplImage *maskROI; /*pointer to mask ROI if any */ void *imageId; /* use of the application */ struct _IplTileInfo *tileInfo; /* contains information on tiling*/ int imageSize; /* useful size in bytes */ char *imageData; /* pointer to aligned image */ int widthStep; /* size of aligned line in bytes */ int BorderMode[4]; /* the top, bottom, left,and right border mode */ int BorderConst[4]; /* constants for the top, bottom,left, and right border */ char *imageDataOrigin; /* ptr to full, nonaligned image */ } IplImage;
Image I/O IplImage* cvLoadImage(image_path, colorness_flag); loads image from file, converts to color or grayscle, if need, and returns it (or returns NULL). image format is determined by the file contents. #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR 1 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE 0 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED -1 DEFAULT cvSaveImage(image_path, image); saves image to file, image format is determined from extension. cvReleaseImage(image_path, image); releases memory BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PPM/PGM formats are supported. IplImage* img = cvLoadImage(“picture.jpeg”,-1); if( img ) cvSaveImage( “picture.bmp”, img );
Windows cvNamedWindow(window_name, fixed_size_flag); creates window accessed by its name. Window handles repaint, resize events. Its position is remembered in registry: cvNamedWindow(“ViewA”); cvMoveWindow(“ViewA”,300,100); cvDestroyWindow(“ViewA”); … cvShowImage(window_name, image); copies the image to window buffer, then repaints it when necessary. {8u|16s|32s|32f}{C1|3|4} are supported. only the whole window contents can be modified. Dynamic updates of parts of the window are done using operations on images, drawing functions etc. cvDestroyWindow(window_name); deletes the window with the given name
User Input int cvWaitKey( int delay=0 ) waits for a pressed key. After waiting for the given delay, it proceeds. Zero delay means waiting forever until user input. –Delay in milliseconds. Good for animating something Example) swapping between two images
Mouse Callback Two things you have to do: –Implementation Define what you are going to do when events happen –Setting (registration) Let the OpenCV know which one is the callback function void cvSetMouseCallback(window_name, yourFunction) void yourFunction (int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param);
Draw Line void cvLine( IplImage, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, CvScalar color, int thickness=1); Draw Line from pt1 to pt2 with the given thickness CvPoint: a structure for storing 2D position –Use cvPoint(x,y) for a quick usage. struct CvPoint { int x; // x-coordinate int y; // y-coordinate } struct CvPoint { int x; // x-coordinate int y; // y-coordinate }
Draw Rectangle void cvRectangle( IplImage, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, CvScalar color, int thickness=1 ) void cvRectangle( IplImage, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, CvScalar color, int thickness=1 ) Draw a rectangle with two opposite corners pt1 and pt2 pt1 pt2 What happens if thickness is -1?
Draw Circle void cvCircle( IplImage, CvPoint center, int radius, CvScalar color, int thickness=1 ) void cvCircle( IplImage, CvPoint center, int radius, CvScalar color, int thickness=1 ) Draw a circle with given center and radius center radius
Image Processing image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x)) image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) h fg h f g Alexei Efros
Image Filtering 1 Brightness/contrast input output g = Af + B g = input color value f = output color value A = contrast value ( 초기값 = 1) B = brightness value ( 초기값 = 0)
Gamma Image Filtering 2
Histogram Equalization: Modify the image to have a well-distributed histogram Image Filtering 3
Histogram Equalization Procedure: For each color channel (R, G, B) –1. Compute the histogram –2. Compute the cumulative histogram –3. Set the maximum value as 255 –4. Using the cumulative histogram as a mapping function
Image Filtering 4: Cross-correlation filtering: or it can be written as: H is called the “filter,” “kernel,” or “mask.”
Image Filtering 4-1 Blur filter: 3x3 Mean kernel 1/ u01 v 0 1
Image Filtering 4-2 Blur filter: 3x3 Gaussian kernel
Image Filtering 4-3 Median Filter: selecting the median intensity in the window Median( 중간값 )
Image Filtering 5: Unsharp Masking = + blurreddifferenceoriginal - = blurreddifference
Image Processing image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x)) image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) h fg h f g Alexei Efros
Image Warping Homogeneous coordinates –represent coordinates in 2 dimensions with a 3-vector ( 동차좌표 )
Basic 2D transformations as 3x3 matrices Translate Rotate Scale Image Warping
Affine transformations : –Combinations of … Linear transformations, and Translations –Properties of affine transformations: Origin does not necessarily map to origin Lines map to lines Ratios are preserved Parallel lines remain parallel Closed under composition Models change of basis ( 유사변환 ) Image Warping
Projective transformations : –Combinations of.. Affine transformations, and Projective warps –Properties of projective transformations: Origin does not necessarily map to origin Lines map to lines Ratios are not preserved Parallel lines do not necessarily remain parallel Closed under composition Models change of basis ( 사영변환 ) Image Warping
Matrix Composition p’ = T(t x,t y ) R( ) S(s x,s y ) p Sequence of composition 1.First, Scaling 2.Next, Rotation 3.Finally, Translation Image Warping
Keyframe animation: Interpolation of state vector: 1-αα α Image Warping
Image Morphing: Cross-Dissolve Interpolate whole images: Image halfway = (1-t)*Image 1 + t*image 2 This is called cross-dissolve in film industry But what is the images are not aligned?
Image Morphing : cross-disolve2 Align first, then cross-dissolve –Alignment using global warp – picture still valid
General Image Morphing Procedure 1.Create an intermediate shape (by interpolation) 2.Warp both images towards it 3.Cross-dissolve the colors in the newly warped images