Programming -- Levels of Difficulty Sequential –Termination –Determinism Concurrent –Non-Termination –Non-Determinism Distributed –Multiple Computers –Partial Failure Byzantine –Failure at the worst time, in the worst way
Sequential Programs Deterministic x = x + 1; Terminate exit(0) Current State x = x + 1; Next State
Concurrent Programs Non-terminating Non-deterministic (exhibit interference)
Concurrent Programs Synchronize -- perform actions in a desired order Communicate -- transfer value(s) from one thread/process to another
(NIST) POSIX® (Portable Operating System Interface), FIPS 151-2, ISO/IEC : 2003 (IEEE Std : 2001) Option Groups _POSIX_SPIN_LOCKS_POSIX_SPIN_LOCKSThe implementation supports the Spin Locks option. If this #define has a value other than -1 or 0, it shall have the value L POSIX
#include #include void *p(void *arg) { int i; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { printf("X\n"); sleep(1); } pthread_exit((void *)99); } int main() { pthread_t x; void *r; int i; assert(pthread_create(&x, NULL, p, (void *)34) == 0); for (i=0; i<5; i++) { printf("Y\n"); sleep(1); } assert(pthread_join(x, &r) == 0); return 0; } OUTPUT Y X Y X X Y X Y X Y
Parallel DAG (directed acyclic graph) and Happens-before Edges x=0 x=1 WriteLine(x) x=2 Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 76/16/2010
Schedule, Informally A topological sort (serialization) of the nodes in a parallel DAG - A sequential ordering of the nodes that respects the happens-before edges Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 86/16/2010
Different schedules, different outputs x=0 x=1 WriteLine(x) x=2 x=0 x=2 WriteLine(x) x=1 x = 2 x = 1 Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 96/16/2010
Determinism For the same initial state, observe the same final state, regardless of the schedule Determinism desirable for most data- parallel problems Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 106/16/2010
Another Example - 2 robots in a room Data Structures Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 11 struct RoomPoint { public int X; public int Y; } class Robot { public RoomPoint Location; } List _robots; Robot [][] _roomCells; r1 r2 _roomCells; (0,0) 6/16/2010
MoveOneStep(Robot r1) Find new empty cell for r1 Move r1 to new cell, if not already occupied Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 12 r1 r2 r1 r2 6/16/2010
Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to rrrr 1 rr1r2r 2 rrrrr 6/16/ rrr1rr 1 rr2r 2 rrrrr rr rr 1 rr1r 2 rrrrr PerformSimulationStep
Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to rrrr 1 rr1r2r 2 rrrrr 6/16/ rr r1 r2 rr 1 rr 2 rrrrr
Different schedules, different outputs Is 0,2 empty ? Move to 0,2 Is 0,2 empty ? Move to 0,2 Is 0,2 empty ? error correct Practical Parallel and Concurrent Programming DRAFT: comments to 156/16/2010
REENTRANT A procedure with no external communication or synchronization is reentrant Identifying Communication Points or Data Races 1.Is a variable that is Read by one thread Written by any other thread? 2.Is a variable that is Written by one thread Read by any other thread? 3.Do two threads Write the same variable?
Interference point -- bad communication point An Interference Point for A Singly-Linked List p = q.head; /* remove the list element */ A. q.head = q.head -> pCB; /* update the list */ B. return p; C. Possible Execution Sequences Ai denotes that thread i executes statement A. (B1B2) denotes that statement B is executed simultaneously by Threads 1 and 2. A1B1A2B2 If T1 executes statements A and B then T2 executes A and B, both threads are returned a different context block and no error occurs. If threads execute the code independently, it is referred to as serial execution.
1.A1A2(B1B2) If P1 executes A then P2 executes A and then both simultaneously execute B, both threads are returned the same context block, which is an error. Note that (B1B2) and (B2B1) are identical (A1A2)B1B2 If both threads execute A simultaneously and then execute B sequentially, both threads are returned the same context block yet two blocks are deleted from the free list The other possible execution sequences are A2B2A1B1, A1A2B1B2, A1A2B2B1, A2A1B1B2, A2A1B2B1, A2A1(B1B2), (A1A2)B2B1, (A1A2)(B1B2), A1(A2B1)B2, A2(A1B2)B1.
Interference Points referred to as CRITICAL SECTIONS Critical Section Solution 1.The procedures in a critical section are executed indivisibly with respect to the shared variables or resources that are accessed. 2.A thread must not halt inside a critical section. 3.A thread outside a critical section cannot block another thread from entering the critical section (Optional, fairness and finite progress) A thread trying to enter a critical section will eventually do so.
Important Points! All Concurrent programs must be certified interference free!! And The property cannot be validated by testing!! However Proper use of Pthreads can guarantee it!!
POSIX FUNCTIONS int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **out); waits for termination, retrieves return value pthread_t pthread_self(void); know thyself! or who am I really? int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2); are we or are they twins? int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread); no one can join on this thread int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread); terminate the thread void sched_yield(void); give up CPU
A Little History In 1967, E.W. Dijkstra submitted a paper[6] on the "THE Multiprogramming System" to an operating systems conference. It contained the following quotation: ‘Therefore, we have arranged the whole system as a society of sequential processes, progressing with undefined speed ratios..... Their harmonious cooperation is regulated by means of explicit mutual synchronization statements. On the one hand, this explicit mutual synchronization is necessary, as we do not make any assumption about speed ratios; on the other hand, this mutual synchronization is possible because "delaying the progress of a process temporarily" can never be harmful to the interior logic of the process delayed.’
Semaphores to Solve the C.S. Problem typedef struct { long count = 1; Queue q = {EMPTY}; } Semaphore; Semaphore s; P(s); if (--s.count<0) SleepOn(s.q); V(s);if (++s.count<=0) Wakeup(s.q);
PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION GRAPH Semaphore_t ac=0,bc=0,cd=0,ce=0; PA PB PC PD PE P(ac) P(cd) P(ce) P(bc) …. …. …. V(ac) V(bc) V(cd) V(ce) D B C A E
Mutex – semaphore only used for C.S. #include pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void * func(void * arg) { Note: void * arg and return value!! assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); /****CRITICAL SECTION ***/ assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); return 0; } int main() { pthread_t tA, tB; pthread_lib_init(""); assert(pthread_create(&tA, NULL, func, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_create(&tB, NULL, func, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_join(&tA, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_join(&tB, NULL) == 0); return 0; }