Establishing a Humanitarian Response Depot Global Partnership for Emergency Preparedness Project & HRD Feasibility Assessment Initial Summary Report
Activities Undetaken Tentative targeted time frames for an in country mission Milestones Assessment Mission Insert Date # Activity 1 2 3 4 5 Phase 1: Country Assessment 1.1 Initial Round Table meetings with Key Line Ministry focal points and stakeholders 1.2 Data collection of Historical incidents of Emergencies in country 1.3 Macro level country wide Logistics assessment 1.4 Site Specific Assessments 1.5 Assessment of in country Services & Procurement Capacity 1.6 Debriefing Session with identified key stakeholders Phase 2: Report Writing and Recommendations 2.1 Consolidation of data and information 2.3 Drafting of Main Assessment Report 2.4 Review and Iterations with Technical team and host country 2.5 Finalisation and Submission of Report and Reccomendations We are here Discuss activities undertaken. Outline whether there were any challenges, areas that were not covered if at all reasons etc Insert dates – potential to compare slide against original tentative plan and explain any changes if they occurred.
Reminder Areas Assessed GPEP: Reminder Areas Assessed A desk review of past incidents of disasters and shocks. Nature of the shock, # of people affected, locations etc. National & Regional Emergency Data Availability of engineering, logistics and other expertise in country etc. Also procurement availability of key stocks In country Services & Procurement Capacity Assessment Comprehensive review of national road network, airport capacity, port capacity etc. Macro Level country wide logistics Assessment Review of proposed HRD sites, location, infrastructure, utilities available, identified requirements to turn into a functioning HRD etc. Site Specific Assessments Brief recap of the main areas that were assessed
National & Regional Emergency Data GPEP: National & Regional Emergency Data A desk review of past incidents of disasters and shocks. Nature of the shock, # of people affected, locations etc. National & Regional Emergency Data Summary of Main Findings List all key data relevant to the area – a non-exhaustive list.
In country Services & Procurement Capacity Assessment GPEP: In country Services & Procurement Capacity Assessment Availability of engineering, logistics and other expertise in country etc. Also procurement availability of key stocks In country Services & Procurement Capacity Assessment Summary of Main Findings List all key data relevant to the area – a non-exhaustive list.
Macro Level Country Wide Logistics Assessment GPEP: Macro Level Country Wide Logistics Assessment Summary of Main Findings Road Networks Port Airport Comprehensive review of national road network, airport capacity, port capacity etc. Macro Level country wide logistics Assessment List all key data relevant to the area – a non-exhaustive list.
Site Specific Assessments GPEP: Site Specific Assessments Review of proposed HRD sites, location, infrastructure, utilities available, identified requirements to turn into a functioning HRD etc. Site Specific Assessments Locations Assessed Summary of Main Findings List all key data relevant to the area – a non-exhaustive list.
Other Key Points to Note: 2. 3. This slide should cover only points that have come up outside of the main assessment areas. These would include any challenges, political constraints, feedback from partners met etc
GPEP: Three approaches The Assessment team believes the initial approach should be: Encourage COMPREHENSIVE COLLABORATIVE CONSULTATIVE Full leadership and project delivery provided by UNHRD team and relevant experts. Comprehensive Support: In cases where there is limited or no infrastructure, capacity or experience, or where the partner organization has requested due to local constraints - UNHRD will be responsible for full development and delivery of an HRD. UNHRD works hand in hand with the in country project team to establish the hub. Collaborative Support: In cases where there is some infrastructure, capacity or experience – UNHRD will work hand in hand with the partner to enhance effectiveness and efficiencies, while encouraging integration into the global HRD network. UNHRD provides a framework, direction and guidance to the project team Consultative Support: In cases where a partner has a well established HRD but is seeking tailored or bespoke support on specific areas – such as improved ICT systems for barcoding and warehouse management, contracting etc. Support This slide should be used to indicate an initial approach – a very brief non-committal summary that will give the host partner some idea of how the technical shape of the project will mold but should reinforce that final proposal will be completed after the full report is reviewed. Lead Lead Support Encourage
Comprehensive & Collaborative Reminder on Next Steps Comprehensive & Collaborative Step 4 Step 7 Ongoing Offsite Technical Support Responsive backstopping across all work stream technical areas. Design (on acceptance of proposal) Tailored package of support according to the assessment and the partner’s request Engagement taking into account local needs and priority areas Step 3 Determine type of Engagement – Proposal Development Consultative Collaborative Comprehensive Implement Implementation of accepted and approved package of support Step 5 New HRD established and fully integrated in a Network of HRDs Finishing with a short reminder summary of the next steps. Step 1 Step 2 Request Country or Regional Association (RAs) makes request to UNHRD to engage in HRD support (directly or through local WFP presence) Joint Feasibility Assessment Logistics assessment: port/air access, road conditions, risk, incidence of shocks, nature of shocks Step 6 Review and Follow Up Proactive periodic backstopping of implemented project. Performance monitoring, site visits with technical backstopping.
Establishing a Humanitarian Response Depot Questions? Take questions – it would be beneficial to note the main queries/concerns coming from the host government here. Provide contact details for core staff associated with the project For further Questions comments: Assessor email address UNHRD Network Coordinator Project Manager GPEP