General Faculty Meeting August 23, 2013
For PHHP, maximum = 7 years For COM, maximum = 10 years (under certain circumstances) Faculty in the Departments of Biostatistics and Epidemiology may choose to be reviewed under PHHP or COM guidelines Questions: ◦ Is the current situation fair to PHHP faculty members in departments other than Biostatistics and Epidemiology? ◦ Should PHHP consider extending the probationary period along the lines of COM?
“The College anticipates that most faculty members will achieve tenure by seven (7) years or earlier.” “The maximum probationary period of ten (10) years will apply for those faculty members who are deemed close to achieving the standards for promotion but who may need additional time to secure research funding, or significant teaching or clinical accomplishments.” “Faculty must receive the support of the Department Chair to continue on the tenure track for additional years beyond seven.”
“Every faculty member has an annual written evaluation by the Department Chair, which will address mission assignment and annual performance.” “Progress toward promotion should also be addressed annually.” “In addition, assistant professors will undergo a mid-cycle review at the end of the 3 rd year and end of the 6 th year to address progress toward promotion and tenure.” The 6 th year review is conducted by the College T&P Committee.
Three outcomes are possible: 1.Candidate is viewed as “on track” toward tenure and promotion and proceeds with submission of T&P application. 2.Candidate is viewed as “not on track” for T&P. Candidate may submit a T&P application but if unsuccessful will receive a notice of non-renewal. Candidate may be considered for a non-tenure track position, if one is available. 3.Candidate is deemed as “close to achieving the standards” for T&P but in need of additional time to secure accomplishments necessary for T&P.
Is the current situation fair to PHHP faculty members in departments other than Biostatistics and Epidemiology? Should PHHP consider extending the probationary period along the lines of COM?
Effect on “standards” for T&P ◦ Will the bar be “raised” or “lowered”? Impact on retention of current faculty ◦ Positive, negative, or neutral Effect on recruitment of new faculty ◦ Positive, negative, or neutral Impact on national reputation ◦ Positive, negative, or neutral
Is there sufficient support to consider drafting new T&P guidelines for PHHP with a longer probationary period that would then be put to a vote of the faculty? If so, should other changes to the PHHP T&P guidelines also be considered?
Tenure track ◦ Distinction in research and teaching ◦ Satisfactory performance in other areas Multi-Mission track ◦ Distinction in one area ◦ Satisfactory performance in other areas Focused/Single Mission track ◦ Distinction in one assigned area