Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Paul V. Anderson’s Technical Communication, 6 th ed.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Establish your test objectives.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Pick test readers who truly represent your target readers.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Focus on Usability: Ask your test readers to use your draft the same way your target readers will.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Focus on Persuasiveness: Learn how your draft affects your readers’ attitudes.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Interview your test readers after they have read and used your draft.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Avoid biasing your test results.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Interpret your results thoughtfully.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Test early and often.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Global Guideline: With communications for readers in other cultures, choose test readers from the culture.
Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness Ethics Guideline: Obtain informed consent from your test readers.
Read more about testing drafts for usability and persuasiveness in Chapter 15 of Technical Communication.