Eye can see you! Winter Class Cycle B Summer
Eye can see you! English Main focus Y5 Non-fiction. explanation texts and information texts The eye Shadows Periscopes Mirrors and reflective surfaces Bending light Science Investigate how to alter the size of a shadow Consider light properties of materials Study the eye and how we see Investigate paths of light and draw arrow diagrams to show how light enters the eye. Investigate how light is reflected from different surfaces. ICT Use Word to produce a book. Import pictures and diagrams from the internet. Research to find information and games to support learning. Establish web links in the book Use ICT to produce a front cover Cycle B Summer 2014 Winter Class D&T Make a periscope using understanding of reflective angles Draw a plan of their design using a good degree of accuracy Follow plan and construct a periscope Evaluate their work and explain how it works. Maths: Link ideas on Reflection, symmetry and angles to paths of light Outcome: Produce a non fiction book on light for a Key Stage 2 pupil. Outcome afternoon: Monday 19 th May at 2.30pm Rational: the children will learn by investigation about the paths of light and how we see objects. They will use this understanding to produce a topic book produced and researched using Word making use of the language of explanation and information texts. Hook: The only topic book on light is aimed at key stage 3. Thinking Skills Identify patterns from results and explain these using scientific understanding and knowledge Pose questions which can be investigated Think about information necessary and how best to display it at the correct level for the target audience. Toolbox skills: Children to collaborate where necessary Children to effectively communicate their understanding of the topic Research independently Thinking for themselves Evaluate: What have I learnt? What went well? What would I do differently next time?
Eye can see you! Produce a non fiction book on light for KS2 Measure angles in maths then apply understanding to paths of light Investigate how light behaves on shiny and dull surfaces Draw accurate diagrams showing the paths of light Make a periscope Investigate what factors will alter the size of a shadow Investigate the light properties of materials Look at symmetry and reflection in maths Ask questions which can be investigated Ensure information produced is aimed at target audience Study the structure, style and language of information texts Discover the anatomy of the eye Identify patterns in results and link these to understanding of light Examine the layout, language and style of explanation texts Work as a pair to produce their book