Usability Test Mail Merge Function in Microsoft Word
Purpose and Goals Test the usability of Mail Merge in Microsoft Word. Come up with problems that users might face. Develop solutions to the problems. Make Mail Merge more usable
Problem Statement We chose to test the mail merge function in Microsoft Word because our group did not think that it was usable for business students.
Focus Business Students. Compatible with Microsoft Word. Have experience with Microsoft Excel. Have not taken BMA 272. Never used Mail Merge.
Preparation Gathered test materials. Pilot test. Selected participants. Found a room and computer to test on.
Testing Screened each individual prior to testing. Had their consent to film. Tested participants. Debriefed participants. Encoded their process.
Debriefing Questions about how they felt during the testing. Some errors they experienced. Simple tasks they found. Recommendations they would have to improve the usability of the function.
Test Methodology Matrix
Recommendations More clear and concise directions within the mail merge wizard. More universal terminology within the wizard. Tutorial to visualize the process step by step.