Non-Fiction Book Project Due Wednesday, October 30 th Or Dropbox (see directions on last page)
Assignment You will prepare an informational Power Point showing the content of your book.
Including – Artfully presented electronic presentation that elicits emotion from the audience – Title and author of the book you have chosen – An introduction to the theme of the book – The important and interesting information covered in your book. Make sure it is organized and covers the most important points such as: Who, what, when, and where (geographic information, time in history, important people, etc.) – Include images with descriptive captions/citations as needed
– Information should be well-written without spelling or grammar errors – Don’t forget YOUR name!
Non-Fiction Rubric Content: (20 pts) – Project shows a full understanding of the book. Students written work is detailed and clearly explains significant information. Effort: (20 pts) – Shows that student pushed him/herself to create an excellent quality project. G.U.M.: (10 pts) – Few or no errors.
Dropbox INformation Follow these directions if you wish to dropbox your powerpoint. – Send me an asking to join dropbox – I will respond with an invitation to dropbox – You will then need to accept my invitation and set up an account – Our folder will be available only to students in our class – You may use dropbox to share other assignments with me for the remainder of the year.