Week 4 Monday, 9/28/15 Entry Tasks: 1. Put your reading book on the desk. 2. On your entry task response, list 4 ways an author will use to create suspense. Learning Objective: Students will be able to find literature terms in a story.
Week 4 Tuesday, 9/29/15 Entry Tasks: 1. No Entry Task Response today. 2. Put your book on your desk. 3. Take out your Literature Terms chart and complete it with your partner for “The Tell- Tale Heart”. Learning Objective: Students will be able to select concrete details and commentary for a paragraph.
Week 4 Wednesday, 9/30/15 Entry Tasks: 1. Turn in your introduction. 2. Put your book on your desk. 3. Get your writing folder from the white crates on the side of the room. 4. On your Entry Task Response, answer the following question: What is the difference between commentary and concrete details? Learning Objective: Students will be able to use proper parenthetical documentation.
Week 4 Thursday, 10/1/15 Entry Tasks: 1. Put your book on your desk. 2. Get a book from the front table and turn to page 62. Look at pictures, read captions, and scan the text. On your Entry Task Response, make a prediction about what will happen in the article. Learning Objective: Students will be able to use reading strategies to understand non-fiction.
Week 4 Friday, 10/2/15 Entry Tasks: 1. Put your 10 blue vocabulary cards on your desk. 2. Get the blue vocabulary list from the front. 3. On your entry task response, explain what a content clue is. (Hint: look at #2 in the directions on the blue paper you just got.) Learning Objective: Students will be able to use context clues to learn 10 new vocabulary words.