Elements of Non-Fiction
Titles Show the main idea of the text Gives a preview of what the reader is about to read Helps the reader make connections
Table of Contents Lists the major parts of the book and the page numbers It outlines the main topics of the book Helps the reader locate information
What would you learn about in Chapter 3?
Subheadings Divide the text into sections Tell the main idea of each section Bolded or different colors to focus attention Help readers locate information
Photos/Pictures Help give information in a visual way Help the reader better understand an idea Work together with the text to teach information Captions o Text that tells about a picture or photograph o Helps the reader better understand information that may not be in the text.
What would you write as the caption for the watermelon picture? What is a question you can ask yourself?
Diagrams Shows or explains something Has labels, text and captions to help the reader better understand the diagram Help the reader better understand how something is made, steps, or the information in the text
Index Is an alphabetical listing of key names, terms, events, places, and topics with page numbers. Helps readers find the information they are looking for. Usually found at the end of the book.
If you were looking for information on magnets, what page would this information be on ? E 10
Glossary An alphabetical list of key terms and their definition Sometimes will tell you how to pronounce the word Helps the reader better understand key words Usually found at the end of the book.
Resources Some pictures taken from: Frank, M. S. (2000). Science. Boston: Harcourt School Publishers. Other pictures taken from Google Images.