Ohio Department of MRDD CCA and the Martin Settlement
Martin Settlement CCA Funding Today we will discuss the use and requirements of Community Capital Assistance funds for the purchase of housing and Residential Handicap Accessibility Projects (RHAP) and how they are to be utilized, specifically for the Martin Settlement.
Allocations CCA funding for the Martin Settlement was determined based on the per capita income in a county, the population, and the projected amount of Martin waivers that would be distributed in the county. Allocations were distributed to three separate regions: –Metropolitan, Other, Appalachian
Total Allocation To date, a total of $11,737,454 has been allocated to county boards for the purchase of housing and RHAP.
Housing Funding Methodology Total Martin CCA project costs will be reimbursed at the specified percentage of the appraised value or total cost of the home, whichever is lower, but in no case will reimbursement exceed the county’s allocation. Metropolitan- 75% Other- 80% Appalachian- 90%
RHAP Funding Methodology Reimbursement may not exceed 35% of the appraised value of the home being modified. The first $10,000 or less will be funded at 100%. In the case where an RHAP exceeds $10,000, the remaining amount will be reimbursed using the same percentages as the housing methodology.
Funding Conditions Housing funds are awarded in accordance with the conditions outlined in the housing rule 5123:1-1-03, Distribution of community assistance funds for purchase of housing. RHAP will be subject to the conditions identified in rule 5123:1-1-17, Distribution of funds for the residential handicap accessibility project (RHAP) and residential renovation project (RRP).
Funding Conditions Funding eligibility is contingent upon the assurance (by the applicant) that at least one Martin individual is associated with the home being purchased or modified. All project payments will be made by the Department on a reimbursement basis.
Current Status 21 homes have been purchased with a total state share reimbursement of $2,498,254. LOIs totaling $5,751,225 have been received for Martin housing. LOIs totaling $1,188,036 have been received for Martin RHAPs.
Questions The following are questions that have been asked by the Disability Housing Network’s board: Q: “What is the renovation bid process?” A: The bid process is described in the RRP/RHAP rule 5132:
Q: “How do we separate out reimbursable accessibility renovations from other improvements?” A: The reimbursable portion of a larger project will be discussed with the applicant when the project is submitted to the Department for approval. Under section (G) (1) of the Rule it states that “All project costs must be approved, in advance, by the department.”
Q: “What is the reimbursement timeline?” A: Reimbursement usually takes place within 15 working days of receipt of the proper paperwork. Q: “Housing corporations have to front money, correct?” A: Yes.
Q: “What is the maximum payment permitted? It is a maximum of 75% of 35% of the appraised value of the property, correct?” A: Reimbursement varies. For a Martin RHAP, the Department will reimburse 100% of the first $10,000 of an approved project, then 75% (for Metro counties) of the remaining project up to 35% of the appraised value of the property will be reimbursed. The Department requires a full appraisal of the home from the applicant in order to determine the reimbursement.
Q: “Are all eligible counties drawing down their Martin allocation?” A: As of now, there are still counties who have unspent Martin money. Q: “Are there expenditure timelines?” A: Because of the nature of the Martin money, there has been no timeline set for spending the Martin allocation. It is anticipated that a review of the Martin program will occur in the near future.
Q: “Does ODMRDD plan on reallocating unspent funds in the near future?” A: It is the Department’s intent to make any necessary adjustments to the program in order to support its Martin commitment.
Q: “What happens if the "Martin Person" decides they want to move out of the property?” A: Choice is an integral part of the housing program. If a “Martin person” does move out of a home, the county and the non-profit housing corporation has an obligation to use that home for individuals receiving supported living or individuals receiving supported living under a home and community-based services waiver as set forth in the Purpose clause of the Housing rule.
Q: “Looking forward to 2011 and beyond, where are we headed with future capital budgets?” A: The State’s ability to support capital budgets is tied to the state’s economic condition. If you project the economic condition, you can project the availability of capital funds.
Q: “What has been the trend of capital budgets?” A: In the past several budget cycles, the legislature has delayed passage of the Capital Budget.
Q: “What is the structure today of the Facilities Development office?” A: Today, Facilities has a staff of five people.
Q: “Where does housing sit within ODMRDD?” A: Currently, Facilities has one staff person dedicated to Community programs; Housing, RRP/RHAPs, Adult Services projects, Early Childhood projects and dealing with community real estate issues. This person is supported by two other staff.
Q: “Who are the staff people for various projects/areas?” A: Currently, Aaron is the full time individual dedicated to community projects. Steve and John provide support. Robert will take over the full-time staffing of the community section in July.
Q: “Who reports to whom?” A: On paper, Aaron and Robert report to Steve. Functionally, the table of the organization is flat. Q: “Do you have any sense what the structure and staffing will look like in the future?” A: After July 4, Facilities will have a staff of three.
Facilities Development Contact Information Facilities Development 1800 Sullivant Avenue Columbus, OH (614) John Sommer- Steve Matas- Aaron Lichtenauer- Robert Arey- ODMRDD Web address:
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