Energy Transformation Windmill Challenge Pre-Lab Preparation
Wind energy is a renewable resource. Based on your experiences, looking at the two designs, decide which windmill you think would work the best.
Crazy windmills: safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=a ctive safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=a ctive CD wind turbine idea: afety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=ac tive afety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=ac tive Bicycle wheel windmill: fety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=acti ve fety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=acti ve
Choose your partner(s). Use the template from the worksheet to complete activity 2.6 Be prepared to test and share your design.
Day 2: Hints and Tricks. Not all blades are created equal… Just like the wings of an airplane, wind turbine blades use the airfoil shape to create lift and maximize efficiency.
Day 2:Real World Connection… As we move further into the 21 st century, there is an increased demand for alternative energy sources. So far, there is still a lot of research to be done on how to get a higher percent efficiency on wind capturing devices. It will be up to you to create the next wind catching device.
A growing field: US Government: “We will have 20% wind energy by 2030”
More states are turning to wind energy over the past 10 years.
Looking at this map, where would windmills work best?
What forms of energy do you observe at points 1, 2 and 3?
Windmills, wind turbines and their size. 450’ base to blade Each blade 112’ Span greater than tons total Foundation 20+ feet deep Rated at 1.5 – 5 megawatt Supply at least 350 homes
Brainstorm: Think, Pair, Share What makes a “good” windmill?
Calculating Percent Efficiency How “efficient” is your design? Percent Efficiency=(Work Out/Work in)X100 In this case, the “work out” is your reading on the multimeter in mV “Work in” is the amount of voltage the box fan uses, 120V or 120,000mV
Checks and Balances When creating your windmill, you will have to complete your design under budget. Review the “Transaction Registry”
DAY 3: YOUR OBJECTIVE FOR THE ACTIVITY: You are to create a device that will capture wind energy from a box fan by manipulating(changing) a CD within your given budget. You will record the amount of voltage that was captured by your device along with the cost of your materials used. Once completed, you are to analyze the data, and redesign if necessary.
DAY 3: RULES… Your design, including CD, may not have a mass over 50 grams. The “diameter” of the fan may not exceed 24cm. Must keep the “inner ring” of the disc intact(not broken off). Your fan will be placed on the CD player motor for 20 seconds. Record your highest voltage. You may place the box fan wherever you desire. You may not go over the $100 budget.
DAY 3: PLANNING Complete your Planning Sheets according to the next two slides.
1.Identify design requirements and limitations __________________________________ 2. Rough Draft Design 3. List all of the materials and cost to build your rough draft design.
4. Detailed design- must include: 1. All parts and materials labeled 2. Cost for all materials used 3. Drawn to scale (one box = 1 cm) Expected mass: _____grams Parts and Materials ListCost