STS Science Education Frank Jenkins University of Alberta Edmonton AB
Agenda--STS Curr. Emphases STS Science Education Nature of science emphasis Technology emphasis STS-issues emphasis Communication emphasis
Agenda STS Monograph definitions Craftsman document STS issues emphasis Nature of science emphasis Technology emphasis
Advantages of STS Concept Science Technology Society K S A STS is more than just pure science knowledge.
Types of STS Programs SISCON (UK)--liberal arts science SaTiS--STS modules LoRST-- integrating science into context ChemCom--start with STS issue ALCHEM (‘70s)--technology contexts STSC Chem (‘80s)--society contexts Nelson Chem (‘90s)--epist. contexts
A Science Curriculum Emphasis Scientific knowledge Scientific process skills Scientific attitudes (predispositions to act) Scientific problem solving Nature of science
Nature of Science Umbrella
Scientific Problem Solving (labs) Illustrative (concrete model) Exploratory (a learning cycle) Inductive (Francis Bacon) concept building Deductive (Karl Popper) concept testing Sociological (Thomas Kuhn)
Problem Solving Processes Purpose Problem Prediction Exp. Design Materials Procedure Evidence Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
Scientific Attitudes (Nay and Kozlow) Critical-mindedness Suspended judgment Respect for evidence Honesty Objectivity Willingness to change Open-mindedness Questioning attitudes
A Technology Emphasis Technological knowledge Technological skills Technological problem solving/design Technological attitudes Technology in science Technology in society Nature of technology
Technological Knowledge/Skills Tech Knowledge Products baking soda Processes Solvay process Tech Skills Operational lab burner multimeter computer Processes titration filtration crystallization
Tech Problem Solving/Attitudes Technological Problem Solving Understanding the problem Developing the plan Carrying out the plan Evaluating Tech Attitudes Perseverance Confidence Critical mindedness Creative disposition Apprec. alternative perspectives
Technology in Science & Society Tech in Science Parallel symbiotic paths Technology leads science Technology enables science Science is applied to describe/explain technology Tech in Society Affects health Affects material lives (lifestyle) Affects intellectual lives (publishing) “Tech fixes” Efficiency cult Tech Sci
Nature of Technology Evaluation Criteria economical efficient reliable simple It works!
Societal Curriculum Emphasis Societal knowledge Societal skills Societal attitudes Societal decision making Society and science Society and technology Nature of society
Societal Attitudes (predispositions to act) Tolerance Commitment to understanding Respect for alternative views Confidence in thoughtful decision making Vigilance in persuing thoughtful decisions Appreciation and respect for thoughtful decisions Commitment to understanding the roles and limitations of science and technology
Perspectives on an STS Issue Scientific Technological Ecological Economic Political Legal Ethical Social Militaristic Aesthetic Mystical Emotional STEEPLES MAME
Decision Making Processes Identify and focus on the issue Formulate research questions Gather and organize evidence Analyze and evaluate evidence Resolve the issue Apply the decision Evaluate the decision, the process and the action
Levels of Use for Perspectives Classify given perspective-statements Find +/- perspective statements and tally the number of each perspective Place personal value on statements Make personal decision and state the criteria used to make the decision Participate in debate or townhouse
CTS Module Components Description of the technological product or process Scientific description and explanation of the technological product/process STS issue concerning a technology Careers concerning the technology
STS-CTS Assignment Choose a technology and define the KSAs to be studied Word a resolution to debate and decide on where the perspective statements are to come from Find some career information (e.g., videos and the internet) Decide on the student assessment
Advantage of STS Concept Science Technology Society K S A
Science in Society “Problems-1” Differentiating science and technology Fleming 1987 Funding for scientific research Polanyi % of scientists employed by military Suzuki 1989 Infighting for research money Savan 1988
Science in Society “Problems-2” Breaches in scientific ethics Savan 1988 Courts misunderstanding of certainty Aikenhead 1985 Public and private versions of science Holten 1978, Polanyi 1958 Affect of powerful vested interests Ravetz 1971 Affect of cultural values Gaskell 1982
Internet and STS Science Education monographSTS Science Education