THE 2 nd CORE GROUP MEETING Vienna, the 16 March 2012 Agnieszka GOLAS EUROCADRES’ project expert
Project IREER Duration: the project will last in total for 18 months from until Activities: 3 core group meetings- Brussels, Vienna, Budapest 2 phases of research activities Workshop in Berlin European Conference in Brussels Final product: A brochure containing a socio-economic matrix
Objectives: Identify common patterns and elements within the contractual diversity Identify the most important elements of contracts which could be used to start a process of harmonization through social dialogue at EU level Exchange experiences of collective agreements in research at national level Develop a socio-economic matrix to compare and assess various contractual elements Use this matrix to identify best practices and lines of development of agreements and contracts
Objective of the 2 nd core group meeting The aim of the meeting is to discuss the status and commit the next steps of the project by presenting and discussing a first draft of the structure and main elements of the socio-economic matrix commit the additional homework and preparation for the Berlin workshop
10am-1pm Morning session Introduction of the meeting by Gerald Musger Presentation of the outcome of the research by Agnieszka Golas Provisional results of our first study on the diversified contracts and agreements Presentation of the first draft of the structure and main elements of the socio-economic matrix Debate on the research outcome The necessity of establishing the European orientation towards the matrix Listing up of additional open questions for further investigation Decision and commitment on the next steps in developing the matrix Discussion on the contents of the IREER website – presentation and commitment on its structure
2.30pm-4pm Afternoon session Discussion and decision on the organisation of the Berlin workshop Listing up of the known or potential participants Drafting the agenda of the workshop Ideas on the working groups
Presentation of the first draft of the structure and main elements of the socio-economic matrix
Outcome of the research A big variety concerning the depth (details) of answers – detailed & additional information or sometimes only basics (law articles, « regulated », « determinated », « definition », « general rules » etc.); some items with a lack of answers (white spots) -> need to decide on contractual elements and to complete with relevant contractual /agreement text Incomplete answers concerning the priorities – ranking -> need to classify with a percentage portfolio Only small differences or any differences between the four types of employees -> need to stress the matrix to a one profile
The next Steps to develop the matrix Making a decision on the most relevant & European oriented contractual elements Transferring the priority list into a percentage portfolio („what category ist important to what percentage when the focus is on a European best practice agreement /contract?“ – all categories together 100%) Reducing the complexity by cancelling the four types Filling the items with relevant contractual/agreement texts as best practice of state of the art; in particular we need such examples fort the job descriptions, the link to the European Qualification Framework levels etc.
Thank You