UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct Map-based Data Dissemination for Philippine Census Valentino C. Abuan Director, Information Resources Dept. National Statistics Office (Philippines)
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct R ecent Philippine Censuses 2007 Census of Population - Conducted in Aug Counts proclaimed in Apr Census of Population - Conducted in Aug Counts proclaimed in Apr Census of Population and Housing (CPH) - Conducted in May Currently undergoing data processing and evaluation - Counts expected for proclamation by Dec Detailed characteristics on staggered basis starting Census of Population and Housing (CPH) - Conducted in May Currently undergoing data processing and evaluation - Counts expected for proclamation by Dec Detailed characteristics on staggered basis starting 2011
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct M aps used in 2010 CPH For Enumeration Area (EA) Delineation - GPS units used for coordinates of landmarks serving as reference points for the proposed EA -Due to limited no. of GPS units, only selected provinces were targeted and covered only barangays (villages) identified to have multiple EAs -Barangays with single EA and barangays belonging to non-GPS provinces relied on maps provided by local governments and sketch maps derived from previous census rounds For Enumeration Area (EA) Delineation - GPS units used for coordinates of landmarks serving as reference points for the proposed EA -Due to limited no. of GPS units, only selected provinces were targeted and covered only barangays (villages) identified to have multiple EAs -Barangays with single EA and barangays belonging to non-GPS provinces relied on maps provided by local governments and sketch maps derived from previous census rounds
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct M aps used in 2010 CPH For Shape File Generation - Provincial and municipal boundaries previously digitized from official maps (relatively accurate); digitization started after 1995 census -Barangay maps digitized from predominantly sketch maps For Shape File Generation - Provincial and municipal boundaries previously digitized from official maps (relatively accurate); digitization started after 1995 census -Barangay maps digitized from predominantly sketch maps
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct P lanned Geo Database PostGIS -Extension to the PostgreSQL database server to provide geographic object support suitable for GIS requirements -PostgreSQL and PostGIS are both free and open- sourced products -Geo database is essential to the NSO as the organization continues to build and improve its map resources PostGIS -Extension to the PostgreSQL database server to provide geographic object support suitable for GIS requirements -PostgreSQL and PostGIS are both free and open- sourced products -Geo database is essential to the NSO as the organization continues to build and improve its map resources
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct M ap Tools and Resources fGIS (Forestry GIS) - Freeware software for editing shape files fGIS (Forestry GIS) - Freeware software for editing shape files Google Earth images -NSO defined its own grid system -Grid is superimposed on the Google Earth image to subdivide it into smaller and manageable blocks for downloading -Downloaded image blocks served as reference for ground verification and GPS reading of identified landmarks Google Earth images -NSO defined its own grid system -Grid is superimposed on the Google Earth image to subdivide it into smaller and manageable blocks for downloading -Downloaded image blocks served as reference for ground verification and GPS reading of identified landmarks GPS Units - 80 units initially; 690 units added after the census GPS Units - 80 units initially; 690 units added after the census
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct P lanned Data Products Atlas Public-Use-File w/ shape files and viewer software included Product packaged in DevInfo; may include other related indicators and previous data
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct D esirable Service Web-based dynamic table generation facility with map-based presentation capabilities -Currently under research -Preferably using open-source tools and hosted on Linux platform Web-based dynamic table generation facility with map-based presentation capabilities -Currently under research -Preferably using open-source tools and hosted on Linux platform
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct M ap Improvement Sketch maps for dissemination often limited to thematic presentation Accurate maps important for spatial analysis NSO to embark on a “Rolling Program” as strategy to sustain accurate map buildup
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct R olling Program for Maps Gradual build-up of accurate maps using GPS Mapping activity to be included also in recurring surveys and not just during censuses Funding for mapping to ride on budget of recurring surveys
UN Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis, Bangkok, 5-8 Oct Thank You! NSO Website: