Unit 2: River Valley Civilizations and other early settlements (3500 BC-500 BC)
Topic: Mesopotamia Do Now: How does the geography in/around NYC impact our development? (name 2 geographic features and then explain how each shapes how we live)
Mesopotamia & Early Sumerian City-States
Wait! What’s the difference between a city state and an empire? City state: political unit and surrounding area (focuses on one city). Each city state has different leaders/kings Ex: Sumer Empire: group of city states controlled by one leader Babylon empire (Babylonian king conquered a group of city states so now they are all controlled by him—he is the emperor)
Sumer, Mesopotamia (3,500 BCE) Fortified cities of various sizes began to spread across the area, including Eridu, Nippur, Uruk, Ur, & Lagash. At different times throughout Mesopotamian history, different city states will gain more power and rule the larger lands
And so where does the term civilization fit into all this? It can get confusing…don’t overthink it Civilizations: Sometimes a synonymous term for empire; broader term that characterizes a region that lasted for a long time as one unified power Ex: We refer to the Roman Empire also as Roman civilization BUT Ex: There were many different Mesoptoamian empires but we refer to the overarching history just as the Mesopotamian civilization
Mesopotamian Civilization
What are the geographic characteristics of Mesopotamian region? (Make a list)
How did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotamian development? Geographic FeatureHow did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotamian development? Zagros mountains (to the north) Located right in the middle/borders two bodies of water (Mediterranean and Persian Gulf) 2 large rivers (Tigris and Euphrates)
How did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotamian development? Geographic FeatureHow it positively/negatively impacted Mesopotamian development Zagros mountains (to the north) +Some protection from invaders Located right in the middle/borders two bodies of water (Mediterranean and Persian Gulf) + People can easily interact + Many trade routes can develop ** Meso will be nicknamed “Crossroads of Civilizations” 2 large rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) + fertile land (silt) + development of technology like irrigation (=form of government project/public works) + constant food source + allows for easier transportation/trade - Unpredictable flooding
Fertility & Rivers: Flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers created fertile soil suitable for productive agriculture.
Irrigation: the key to it all! Get water to the crops the make life possible
How did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotmain development? Complete the reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh to learn more This reading is one of our very first primary sources in history!
The Epic of Gilgamesh The Cuneiform Text King Gilgamesh
How did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotamian development? Geographic Feature How did geography positively/negatively impact Mesopotamian development? Zagros mountains (to the north) +Some protection from invaders Located right in the middle/borders two bodies of water (Mediterranean and Persian Gulf) + People can easily interact + Many trade routes can develop ** Meso will be nicknamed “Crossroads of Civilizations” 2 large rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) + fertile land (silt) + development of technology like irrigation (=form of government project/public works) + constant food source + allows for easier transportation/trade - Unpredictable flooding influences religion think their gods are always angry at them
The Main Point! Unpredictable/erratic weather= they thought the gods could get easily angry with them. Therefore, they tried best to keep their gods happy!
REMEMBER… Before the Scientific Revolution (c. 1,500 CE), religion had unrivaled explanatory power: It explained who lived and who died… Who prospered and who suffered… Who ruled and who served… Why crops flourished or died… Why rivers flooded or dried up… Why animals were healthy or sick It explained virtually everything!
Let’s explore: How did Mesopotamians’ relationship to their gods further influence their lifestyles/culture? DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP! WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO PLEASE THE GODS IF YOU WERE MESOPOTAMIAN? WRITE DOWN A LIST TOGETHER!
Dedicate cities to the gods! Each Sumerian City had a special god The City of Eridu (left) worshipped Ea (the God of Water--seated)
Build cool stuff to honor them! It influenced architecture and city layout.Temples called ziggurats were at the center of each city.
Cities were built AROUND Ziggurats with Temples
Create a class structure that reflects respect for the gods Kings and nobles Priests / Scribes / Education* Priests interpreted the gods’ wishes Merchants and artisans / craftspeople Commoners/landowners Sharecroppers/laborers -- peasants Slaves -- from warfare or debt *Although priests were not at the top of the social ladder, kings and nobles worked to please them and listened to them.
Have your religious centers become economic centers too! Temples were economic centers: Priests owned herds of goats, cows, donkeys, & sheep. Priests operated workshops, in which craftsmen made leather goods, textiles (clothing), tools, and building materials. Priests engaged in trade: they sent merchants to visit other Sumerian cities and surrounding areas to obtain valuable goods.
So….the geography’s impact on religious beliefs will then in turn influence other aspects! City state names! Architecture! Social classes Economic hubs Economic jobs (who has status)
Summary Question How did the geography of the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia) impact the development of this society?