Why Are Photos So Important? They illustrate ideas and events They add color and variety to pages They bring back memories They distract from heavy amounts of text They convey moods and tones
Good Photo Vs. Bad Photo Can you tell why?
LIGHTING 3-point lighting is key to great pictures! -Key Light (The Sun is great for this!) -Fill Light (Wipes out harsh shadows on faces) -Back Light (Gives that glowing “halo” look) P.S.- Girls need soft lighting. Use reflected light rather than direct light.
3-Point Lighting Image Courtesy of
Natural Light When taking pictures outdoor… -Make use of the “golden hours” -Golden Hours: 2 or 3 hours after Sunrise 2 or 3 hours before Sunset Sun is at best positions in the sky at these times for natural, outdoor photography! P.S.- Make use of overcast days!
Good Vs. Bad Early Morning Late Morning Late Afternoon Early Afternoon Photos Courtesy of
The Rule of Thirds Don’t put the subject in the center Place subject in one of the marked points…
Rule Of Thirds… Examples Courtesy of the Digital-Photography-School.comCourtesy of
Composing your Shot Fill the frame with your subject! Capture emotions and faces Use interesting angles!
Close-Up To show emotion Image Courtesy of
Wide Shot Good for buildings, large numbers of people, and giving off an “open” feeling. Image courtesy of
High Angle To show grandeur or large masses Good for parties, large events Photo Courtesy of
Low Angle Shows great strength, power, or size. Good for illustrating victories, winners, and graduates! Photo Courtesy of
Level Angle Your average eye-level angle… good for basically anything! Photo Courtesy of
Good Vs. Bad Can you tell why?