Bemrose Community School Derby A Happy, Safe, and Successful Community
Bemrose Community School Inner City NOR 34% FSM 61% Ethnicity (other than white) 53% EAL (PLASC 2007)
Main Ethnic Groups White British – 28% Any other white background – 11% Pakistani – 34% Indian – 4% Any other Asian background – 4% African – 2% Any other Ethnic Background – 7%
Trends Year 7 intake British White Any other white background Pakistani
Languages Tagalog Swedish Somali Punjabi Swaheli German Begali Spanish Thai Albanian Bosnian Cantonese Chinese Slovakian English Dutch Czech Estonian Danish Lithuanian Yoruba Patios Norwegian Guajarati Turkish Portuguese Persian Vietnamese Igbo Manipuri Lingala Mongolian Russian Shona Romanian Azerbaijani Arabic Urdu Welsh Hungarian Finnish French Farsi Hausa Zulu Latvian Kurdish Ndebele 48 in total
Challenges Highly mobile school population – in the top 5% of the country Engaging students and communities Trends – changing ethnicities Sustaining the value of diversity and inclusion within the school
What we do to promote cohesion Strong school ethos Curriculum Links with communities
JET Project Jobs, Education, Training Pakistani community links Working with an established organisation Planning sessions Careful section of students/staff - girls Supported by staff from Bemrose
What happened? Identified a group of girls Supported personalised study Regular communication between JET and home Team building Aim Higher involved Role model
Student Predicted grade En Predicted grade Ma Predicted grade Sc Final grade En Final grade Ma Final grade Sc Overall difference A*-CFFT Type B Chance of 5+ 1DEECDC458% 2CDDCBB4730% 3CDDCCC2635% 4DFEBDE4450% 5DEDCCC4752% 6BBCBBB1688% Selected GCSE results
Summary 17 Pakistani females took part 15 improved by at least one grade 8 improved by one or two grades 7 improved by three or four grades The project made a significant difference for those aiming for 5+ A*-C Many of the students are now in Sixth Form
What next? Using the model to develop links with Amari-Chi. New group being selected for JET Potential partnerships
Resources The Heads and my time Some staff time to support activities – some paid and some voluntary