T HESIS Using Medieval Europe and the Renaissance as an example of how to rebuild Somalia, a modern failed state, rebuilding the economy, government, and society would most help Somalia.
A BOUT S OMALIA o Located in North Africa o Capital is Mogadishu o Population is 10,428,043 (growth rate: 1.75%) o Size: Slightly smaller then Texas o Monetary unit: Somali shilling o Languages: Somali (official), Arabic, English, Italian o Religion: Islam (Sunni)
A BOUT S OMALIA Little business Not much money being spent No property rights High Violence 43% of population in poverty 76% of the population can’t read No central government Mixed legal systems War
W HAT TO DO WITH E CONOMIC P ROBLEMS ? Banking System should be established similar to the banking system run by Medici Family during the Italian Renaissance. Money needs to be spent on arts and technology which would help create jobs. Similar to in the Renaissance when the rich began spending their money. Citizens need to be protected. Government needs to provide safe housing.
W HAT TO DO WITH S OCIETY P ROBLEMS ? To lower crime rate provide jobs like in Renaissance to reduce robberies. Also get higher law enforcement. To help population that can’t read give out books similar to when the printing press was created during the Renaissance.
W HAT TO DO WITH G OVERNMENT P ROBLEMS ? Establish a central and powerful government like Europe did during the Renaissance. Instead of having mixed legal systems, have one legal system with defined laws.
C ONCLUSION Medieval Europe and the Renaissance can still be used today to help failed states such as Somalia. This shows that history can still be relevant today.