SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Bc. Marie Bártová Institute of Nursing Theory and Practice 1 st Medical Faculty of Charles Univerzity
DRESSINGS and BANDAGES - Purpose - Types
BANDAGES SIGNS THAT THE BANDAGE IS TOO TIGHT - Blue tinge to the fingernail/toenail - Blue or pale skin colour - Tingling or loss of sensation - Coldness of the extremity - Inability to move the fingers/toes
STERILLE DRESSING APPLICATION Equipment - gloves/sterile, face mask, - transfer (dressing) forceps, forceps, - antiseptic solution, acetone, H 2 O 2, - kidney basin - sterile dressings ( cotton balls, gauze pads, trauma dressing etc.)
STERILLE DRESSING APPLICATION - Communication with a patient ! ! ! - Getting things ready - Wash your hands - Comfortable position (patient/nurse) - GLOVES (sterile if necessary) - Keep sterility - Wound cleaning - Dressing application - Bandaging
NOTE - always ask about patients’ allergies (iodine) - take bacterial sample BEFORE desinfection if there is any strange fluid or smell, - do not touch the sterile material by the the edge of antiseptic container
STITCHES and DRAINS Types - absorbent material - non – absorbent material Stitches removal Drains - tubes used to draw fluid from an internal body cavity to the surface