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Presentation transcript:


ROMAN EXPANSION Once the Romans set up the Republic, they worked to protect & expand it. By 275 B.C., the Romans ruled the entire Italian peninsula. By 146 B.C., Rome ruled most of the Mediterranean region.

ROMAN EXPANSION The Romans had a strong army & were able to gain territory. The army was divided into LEGIONS. Each Legion contained between 5,000 to 6,000 men. The Legion was further divided into mobile units of 60 to 120 men. The Roman soldiers were called LEGIONARIES.

ROMAN EXPANSION The legionaries were well trained, and deserters were punished by death. The Romans also set up permanent military settlements called COLONIAE to defend strategic locations.

LEGION VS. PHALANX The legion had several advantages over the phalanx. 1.) The legion was smaller & could move faster. 2.) Phalanx could attack from only one direction while the legion could split and attack from many angles. 3.) Each legionary depended on their own fighting ability.

ROMAN EXPANSION The Romans were mild rulers, much like the Persians. They let conquered people keep their own government, take care of their own affairs, & even become citizens. Conquered people were expected to serve in the army As a result, many enemies became loyal Roman citizens.

THE PUNIC WARS By 264 B.C. the Romans came into contact with the CARTHAGINIANS. The Carthaginian city of CARTHAGE was perhaps the Mediterranean region’s wealthiest city. The Carthaginians were expanding their territory and came into direct conflict with the Romans.


THE FIRST PUNIC WAR THE FIRST PUNIC WAR began in 264 B.C. and ended 23 years later in 241 B.C. The Romans were not happy with Carthaginians occupation of Sicily. The Romans had a strong army, & the Carthaginians had a strong navy. To counter their powerful navy the Romans created the CORVUS, or a kind of movable bridge which enabled the Romans to board Carthaginians ships.

THE FIRST PUNIC WARS The First Punic War ended in a Roman victory. The Carthaginians agreed to hand the Romans a huge INDEMNITY, or payment for damages. The Carthaginians agreed to peace and left Sicily.

THE SECOND PUNIC WAR In 218 B.C., the Second Punic War began. The Carthaginians this time were lead by HANNIBAL BARCA. Hannibal decided to attack the Romans by land from the north. He started by taking a city in Spain and then moving through present-day France (GAUL).

THE SECOND PUNIC WAR Hannibal then decided to take the war into Italy and straight to Rome. Hannibal had to lead 46,000 troops and 40 elephants over the Alps However, this was a difficult journey & Hannibal emerged from the Alps with only 26,000 troops, almost no elephants, & many sick & tired soldiers.

THE SECOND PUNIC WAR Hannibal could never penetrate the city of Rome itself but he won many victories throughout Italy. Eventually, Hannibal was called back to defend Carthage from attacking Romans. He was defeated at the Battle of Zama, the only battle he lost. By 201 B.C. Rome had won another war.

THE THIRD PUNIC WAR Following the Second Punic War there was 50 years of peace. Eventually, Carthage began to show signs of regaining strength, so in 149 B.C. the Romans attacked Carthage. They burned the city to the ground & plowed salt into their fields. The Romans now completely controlled the Mediterranean world!