Roman Expansion Imperialism…
Peak of the Greek Empire
Rise of Rome Gradually extends its rule over the Italian Peninsula over the next century.
Roman Republic in 270 B.C.E. Conflict with Carthage after taking over Italian Peninsula…
1 st Punic War Carthage v. Rome Fight for Sicily Rome builds a navy just to defeat the Carthinagians War lasts for 20 years Rome wins
Sicily Rome after the 1 st Punic War; 220 B.C.E.
2 nd Punic War Carthage expands into Spain because of the lose of Sicily. Rome feels that Carthage is too close to its borders. Hannibal: Carthage sends their best General to punish Rome. Rome suffers great loss at the hands of Hannibal in the north of Italy. Rome invades the City of Carthage forcing Hannibal to retreat.
Roman conquest of the Mediterranean Sea
3 rd Punic War Rome Burns Carthage to the ground to ensure they never threaten the Roman Empire again. 150 B.C.E. Rome takes over all of Greece. Romans call the Mediterranean “Our Sea”.
Rome under Julius Ceasar
Julius Caesar Military Hero seizes power and makes drastic reforms. Forms the 1 st Triumvirate: when 3 people share power. Pompey, Caesar, Crassus Caesar came from the lower class; His military victories made him a hero to the poor.
Continued…. Senate fears that he will try and take over. Order Caesar to come back to Rome and surrender…. They plan to kill him. Fearing death Caesar marches on Rome and seizes control.
Caesar’s Reforms Emperor for life… Fall of the Republic but the Birth of an Empire Filled Senate with loyal members. Most served with him in the military. Gave full citizenship to all in Roman territory. Started new colonies to give land to Plebeians. Created jobs; got rid of slaves (not all).
“Be ware the Ides of March” Some feared Caesar wanted to become king… Senators Cassus and Brutus plotted to assassinate Julius Caesar. Julius was warned… “Beware the Ides of March” Beware of March 15 th … March 15 th, 44 B.C.E. Julius is stabbed to death by Senators Cassus and Brutus.
Rome Under Augustus Caesar
2 nd Triumvirate: Augustus Caesar defeats Antony and Cleopatra and becomes Emperor of Rome. Another end to the Republic
Deployment of Troops
Rome at it’s Greatest Extent…