Chapter 6 Section 1
Republic Patrician Plebian Tribune Consul Senate Dictator legion Hannibal
All roads lead to Rome Rome was not built in a day When in Rome do as the Romans do How did a tiny city grow into a major power?
Large boot shaped Sticks out into Mediterranean Midway between eastern and western Mediterranean North protected by high mountains Sea provides protection
Ruled by Latin kings Etruscans ruled northern Italy Metalworkers and jewelers Influenced by the Greeks
Middle of peninsula Romulus and Remus Latins arrived around 1000 BC Location of Tiber River Easy access to trade route Easy access to the sea
Built first walls and sewers Arch, building techniques Alphabet and number system System of government Gladiator games Sculpture and painting
Republic-elected officials governed ruled Patricians –heads of aristocratic families Controlled every aspect of society Maintained power through a patronage system
Plebeians- common people Plebeians refuse to fight in 494 BC Patricians gave them rights Plebian Council Elect officials like the Tribune
Tribunes job to protect plebeians Veto- to stop or ban Forum- where Roman laws were displayed 12 Tables was a victory for plebeians Judges were forced to obey
Constitution- a political structure Senate – a body of 300 members Various assemblies- where all citizens could vote Magistrates took care of laws
Consuls-chief executive Elected for 1 year Head of army and navy Censors next in line of power Recorded city’s population How much property people had Filled Senate vacancies
Praetors-or judges Act as Consuls when they were away at war Had system of checks and balances Each part of government could constrain the other
Thriving and vibrant Forum- the public square Rich lived at Palatine Popular place for shopping and gossip Farming and land ownership noblest way to make money
Senators banned from any other career than with land Dictator-office with unlimited power Cincinnatus gave up power to return to farming
Military might All men 17 to 46 required to serve in time of war Organized into legions Centurions- commissioned officers Command 100 men Well trained highly disciplined
265 BC controlled all of Italy Few conditions on subjected people Had to provide troops to Rome Next was Sicily Came into conflict with Carthage
264 BC war between Rome and Carthage Hannibal led elephants across alps to invade Italy Hannibal dominated the Italian countryside Single battle kills or injures 50,000 Romans
Hannibal- ravaged Italy and defeated every army Rome placed a siege on Carthage Hannibal withdrew 3rd time Rome won Destroyed Carthage Enslaved population
Greeks sought alliance with Rome Macedonia, Persia, Egypt fought each other Greeks and Romans defeated them Romans later annexed Greece
Romans adopted a lot of Greek culture Roman art and architecture Famous works of Romans are copies of Greek pieces Borrowed religion Zeus became Jupiter
Romans thought Rome should be pure Dislike Greek influence Tried to keep Greek styles out of Roman buildings