Aim: to what extent was war beneficial to the Roman Republic?
When? Romulus and Remus founded Rome in 753BCE
Etruscan Monarchy is overthrown and a Republic established in 509 BCE.
The Punic Wars: 264 BCE – 146 BCE Rome spreads south down the Italian Peninsula and encroaches on Carthaginian cities located in Sicily. War ensues between Rome and Carthage. Eventually Carthage is pushed out of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. 1
The Carthaginian Spanish city of Saguntum asks to ally itself with Rome. The Carthaginian general in command of Spain attacks and destroys Saguntum. After Rome asks the Carthaginians to surrender that general to them… He decides to invade Rome. That general is named Hannibal.
Hannibal Barca
Hannibal laid waste to the Italian Peninsula defeating the Roman army on several occasions. Macedonia allied itself with Carthage. In desperation, to get Hannibal out of the Italian Peninsula, the Romans appointed a young man proconsul (governor and military commander) of Spain. He was named
Publius Cornelius Scipio… Better known as Scipio Africanus
Republic runs into trouble Marius Sulla Slave rebellion in 73 – 71 BCE Spartacus Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar Second Triumvirate: Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian (Augustus Caesar) Augustus Caesar rules and establishes the Empire in 27BCE
Egypt Why does Egypt have a cultural connection to Greece during this time period?
Julius Caesar Hmm….
Mark Anthony Hmmm….!!!!
Octavian (Augustus Caesar) Aint working with me you Egyptian hussy!
Marcus Agrippa Now if I just marry my best friend’s daughter… Hmmm!
Can you keep track of who was connected to whom?
27BCE – 476CE
Pax Romana
Roman Empire Timeline 27 BCE: Octavian becomes first Emperor; rules as Augustus Caesar 293 CE: Empire divided into Eastern and Western 324CE: Empire reunited by Constantine 330CE: Constantine moves capital to Constantinople. Before his death converts to Christianity making it the official religion of the Empire 476CE: After numerous “barbarian” attacks Western provinces collapse. Eastern provinces remain, better known as the Byzantine Empire, until 1453CE.
Legacy Aim: to what extent has ancient Rome and Roman culture had an impact on the world you live in?
Hagia Sophia
Legacy Aim: to what extent has ancient Rome and Roman culture had an impact on the world you live in?