Warm up Copy HW Please grab a project sheet and information sheet from the presentation station and make them pages 12/13 of your notebook
Essential Questions How does where you live affect how you live? What happens when different cultures interact with one another?
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Punic Wars Introduction After controlling Italy the Romans wanted more land faced many enemies to gain power Their largest rival in the Mediterranean was - ________________________ Both the Romans and ________________________ wanted control of ______________, which was known as a _______________, because of its good farmland
Punicus-Latin word for Phoenician
First Punic War _________________were in Sicily first, and then the Romans invaded Romans built a navy and won a naval battle in 241 B.C. Carthaginians left and had to_________________
Second Punic War Carthaginians started to settle in______________ Rome didn’t want them near their northern boarders Rome helped the locals rebel Carthage responded by sending ___________to attack Rome in 218B.C. 46,000 men many horses and even 37 ___________invaded Italy from the north through the ________ There were problems as he traveled to Rome- The Alps hunger, mountain tribes, cold weather
Second Punic War 216 B.C. –Battle of ____________-Hannibal won 202 B.C. –_________leads Roman forces to Carthage and wins the battle of Zama ___________ forces Carthage to give up Spain, their navy and $
Third Punic War 146 B.C. Roman soldiers burn _________ enslave 50,000 According to legend they put _______ in their soil to ruin it forever Romans now referred to the _____________________ as Mare Nostrum- “Our Sea”
Rome after the Punic Wars The Roman controlled Greece, Macedonia, North Africa, and parts of Asia
Closure Please clear your desk except for a pen/pencil Please try your best to complete the Punic Wars Review Quiz Lets review the answers
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