SETTING The story is taking place in a old town in the Caribbean in
CHARACTERS CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives Jack SparrowHair is mess.RoodHe didn’t want Fitzwilliam to come with them His shirt is torn on sleeve, and have blood on his trousers braveTakes on the werewolf and defeats it. Brown eyes.33 FitzwilliamTall and broad- shoulder 11 Wore immaculate jacket, and breeches that was cut perfectly to his figure. 22 Brown eyes33
CONFLICT They had to survive in a storm in a little boat in the open ocean by there self. They were trapped in a palaces and there was a big storm well it was flooding. And had survived against torrent, torrent is a big werewolf.
SUMMARY OF PLOT The summary is that two people called jack sparrow, and Arabella going to find the other half of the sword of Cortes, then a boy name Fitzwilliam found there map that Arabella gave jack and sad how he cant go, then jack and Fitz fought to see how will win, if jack wins Fitz have to go away and can’t say anything to anyone, and if Fitz wins Fitz can go with them. Fitz wins and got to go, then they left in the small boat when there where in the middle of know where was a big storm, then it crashes in a desired island. Then they meet two men name Tumen, and Jean and there cat that really there sister that was curse. Then find a palaces, in the palaces they went throw a big storm, and was flooding. They finally get out and find Sam the pirate and underneath Sam bed was gold, they find the other half the sword of Cortes, then get chased a werewolf monster. Jack defeats the werewolf monster then get away.
THEME One sentence theme for the book. Text Evidence 1: Quote the book and give the page number. Text Evidence 2: Quote the book and give the page number. Text Evidence 3: Quote the book and give the page number.
POINT OF VIEW It is 3 rd person, and it help because it tell us about everyone not what one character think about others, and if it was 1 st person you wont understand the story well.
SYMBOLISM The sword of Cortes symbolize power and wealth.
RECOMMENDATION This book is wroth reading because it has allot of action, and has advancer and it is short for some people that don’t like to read.