#GooDeed app A digital social platform for multidisciplinary groups developing innovative solutions to the societal challenge of over-consumption and throw-away fashion
Replace DDT (Design Destined for Trash) with W2W (Wonderful to Wear) Growth in value rather than volume Maximize pr unit use
Extract a "wisdom of the crowds" Impact of extended awareness and peer pressure in driving more sustainable behaviours and lifestyles. Defining online reputation mechanisms Solutions to sustainability challenges harnessing network effects Including local communities, grassroots, social entrepreneurs, students, citizens, creative industries and civil society organisations. New collective models for value creation beyond monetisation Collaborative Consumption: lending, exchange, swapping and bartering made to operate at scale, across geographic boundaries
REDUCE CWCW (Chemicals, Water, CO2 and Waste), implement IRS (Intelligent Resource Stewardship)
Redirect OSG (Off-shoring globally) to OSL (On-shoring locally )
Rethink ED (Excluding design), implementing ID (Including design)
ICT10 – Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro Horizon 2020 Call 2 – deadline 14 April Budget 37 M€ To harness ICT networks, network effects and collective intelligence for cooperation, supporting new economic models beyond GDP To create awareness of sustainability challenges - and of bottom-up solutions grounded on real communities of people Based on open data, open source and open hardware participatory innovation paradigms
Thank you!