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MycenaeansGreek Stuff Greek Dudes 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points Ohhh… Homer and Poetry Minoans
They lived on this island
What is Crete?
This was the main structure found in Knossos
What is the palace complex?
They weren’t warriors but they were good at this aquatic activity
What is sailing?
Historians disagree but most think maybe this caused the sudden disappearance of the Minoan civilization
What is invasion (by Mycenaeans)?
He discovered the Minoan civilization
Who was Arthur Evans?
The Mycenaeans fought here (and left behind a big horse)
What is Troy?
Finding their pottery all around the Mediterranean proved they were good at this
What is trading (sailing)?
The finding of these shows the Mycenaeans may have believed in an afterlife
What are Tholos tombs/grave circles?
He discovered the Mycenaean civilization on his way to discovering Troy
Who was Heinrich Schliemann?
The king of the Mycenaeans who is killed by his wife after the Trojan War
Who is Agamemnon?
Homer was deprived of this sense
What is sight?
Homer’s story of a great war (although it never mentioned a horse)
What is the Iliad?
The Odyssey is the journey of this man
Who is Odysseus?
Homer’s tales incorporated the gods of Olympus, while this poet honored those victorious athletes of the Olympics
Who was Pindar?
Her poetry was not as epic, or violent, as Homer’s, instead focusing on lyric love poems
Who was Sappho?
Achilles had these (themes of the Iliad)
What is wrath and pride?
Odysseus slaughtered men who did not respect this theme of the Odyssey
What is xenia (hospitality)?
Salamis and Plataea were important battlefields in this/these war(s)
What are the Persian Wars?
Superman or Spiderman might fit within this theme of Greek drama
What is heroes?
In a polis you might find, next to the agora, a temple built on this hilltop (and it maybe guarded by hoplites)
What is the acropolis?
Archimedes discovered principles of the lever and pulley as well as developing this (I wonder if it was Dutch Apple)
What is pi?
Apart from coming up with a triangle theorem, he cam up with other important principles used in geometry
He found the circumference of the earth
Who was Eratosthones?
Thucydides and this Father of History were the great Greek historians
Who was Herodotus?
He started the Trojan War by choosing Aphrodite as the prettiest goddess and taking Helen back to Troy with him
Who is Paris?