ALADIN A transition year EWGLAM/SRNWP, Dubrovnik, 8/10/07
ALADIN 2006=>2007 Preparation of the ALADIN strategic 10 year plan –Collective effort from: An ad-hoc ‘taskforce’ Policy Advisory Committee PM and an editing mini-group –Final version hopefully available in November (quite needed to go to a multi/year planning structure (some lack of continuity in current long-term oriented efforts) AROME preparing for 2008 operational implementation in Toulouse. ALARO also (with some partial steps at ~10km [i.e. without 3MT yet], Cz, At …).
Operational implementation schedule Examples: the good and the bad Outlook News about AROME (as of Oct 07)
Operational implementation plan at MF dyn. adaptation test runs 3DVar assimilation test runs preoperational test suite operational production Arome v1 oper. prod. Arome v2 forecasters feedback & getting used to model behaviour R&D Doppler radar assimilationR&D reflectivity, convection & clouds assimilation nowcasting & relocatable versions optimisation on MF's NEC
The Arome-France model config Arome-France current domain Aladin-France domain
Some other AROMEs... Alps (MAP D-PHASE experiment) ongoing test runs by HIRLAM partners (FMI, DMI, SMHI) and some more (Hungary...)
Here on a Paris thunderstorm case, missed by the lower resolution ALADIN assimilation, and by AROME in dynamical adaptation mode. The improvement comes from low-level SYNOP T,HU,wind obs Short-range forecast improvement thanks to local data assimilation obs dyn. adaptation fc from assimilation 3-h rain forecast
A typical nice forecast of low clouds model cloudy areas
A tendency to overpredict density currents near thunderstorms: under investigation
The 10km mesh base-line is stabilised and is already operationally or (pre-operationally) implemented, with good objective scores, especially for precipitations. The work on the 5km mesh convective package (integrated, prognostic and multi-scale-oriented => 3MT) is ongoing, hard (upper-air scores just at break-even) but promising. A word about ALARO
3MT: precip. outcome (provisional) Without 3MT With 3MT
Outlook (until next EWGLAM) For AROME: scientific work priorities: turbulence (i.e. numerical diffusion vs subgrid turbulence), physics/dynamics interaction in convective clouds, initialisation of precipitating clouds; increase vertical resolution. For ALARO: Concretise the first good results with the full configuration; Go back to check the scale independency again; Create the conditions for a good oper support.