Presentation By: Matt Donaldson Jon Hill Nick Osnowitz Beth Walsh The Epic of Son-Jara Presentation By: Matt Donaldson Jon Hill Nick Osnowitz Beth Walsh
History Son-Jara was the first king/hero of the Mande people in what is now present day West Africa. He is an important historical figure even though there has never been written records of him. The story has been passed down orally for generations. The earliest reference was in the 15th century by an Arab historian. The Manding empire was founded around 1235
Culture Oral traditions Three genres Griots Praise poetry Songs Results in multiple versions of the story Three genres Praise poetry Songs Call and response
Brief Summary
Theme? What is it? How did you come about your decision? Agree? Disagree?
Our Thoughts on Theme Growing up and overcoming adversity. Good vs. Evil
Theories Esau and Jacob? Is’mail and Isac? Cain and Able? Adam? Lion King? Homer Odysseus and Son Jara
Things to Think About The role of women in the story. Coincidence: 9 years of not walking compared to 9 years in the womb of his mother. The 9 Queens of Darkness. Sugulun: his sister.
Bibliography Johnson, John W. The Epic of Son Jara. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. "English 203 Unit 10- Son Jara." Jan: Northern Arizona University Faculty/Staff Web Server. Web. 28 Aug. 2009. < htm>. "The Epic of Son-Jara." West Texas A&M University. Web. 28 Aug. 2009. < 71/Son-JaraSum&Chara.html>.