By: Natalie Adams Demi’ Turner Shawn Boyd Jeremy Houck
46 °F Light Rain Windchill:44 °F Humidity:100% Dew Point:46 °F Wind:5 mph from the North Pressure:29.92 in (Steady) Visibility:5.6 miles UV:0 out of 16 Clouds: Mostly Cloudy 4200 ft (Above Ground Level) Elevation:1909 ft
32 °F Scattered Clouds Windchill:25 °F Humidity:93% Dew Point:30 °F Wind:8 mph from the North Pressure:29.92 in (Steady) Visibility:6.2 miles UV:0 out of 16 Clouds: Few 2000 ft Scattered Clouds 2700 ft (Above Ground Level) Elevation:1909 ft
37 °F Scattered Clouds Windchill:29 °F Humidity:60% Dew Point:25 °F Wind:14 mph from the North Pressure:29.86 in (Steady) Visibility:6.2 mil es UV:0 out of 16 Clouds: Scattered Clouds 7000 ft (Above Ground Level) Elevation:1909 ft
34 °F Partly Cloudy Windchill:29 °F Humidity:60% Dew Point:21 °F Wind:6 mph from the ENE Pressure:29.98 in (Steady) Visibility:6.2 mi les UV:0 out of 16 Clouds: Few 7000 ft (Above Ground Level) Elevation:1909 ft
30 °F Snow Windchill:30 °F Humidity:100% Dew Point:30 °F Wind:2 mph Variable Pressure:30.04 in (Falling) Visibility:1.6 miles UV:0 out of 16 Clouds: Few 300 ft Scattered Clouds 2800 ft Mostly Cloudy 4500 ft (Above Ground Level) Elevation:1909 ft
We predict that There will probably be scattered clouds with a 70% chance of rain and possibly snow. Lower 30’s Wind: 1-2 mph Humidity-100% Dew point-35 Pressure-31.05(falling) Visibility-1-2 miles if snow occurs UV: 0 out of 16 Clouds- scattered clouds possibly Elevation-1909 ft
Actual Forecast: It snowed briefly and the temperature was 28 o F