Equality Conference Hodson Bay Hotel Athlone March 2010 ( Reference Frances Byrne OPEN )
The two parent family based on marriage The two parent family- co-habiting The one parent family Grandparents rearing children Who else?
Parent(s) with children in another country Children with parent(s) in another country LGBT headed families
Are childless couples a family? Are two siblings sharing a household a family? Are an aunt/uncle or nephew/niece sharing a household a family?
2008 Statistics 75,065 births 50,221 within marriage 24,844 outside marriage, of these more than half (12,859) were to co-habiting parents
Rights of families and members of families Respect and recognition of all family types Strong poverty link with family status
Sanctions unequal treatment of families NOT based on marriage Fails to protect children born outside marriage
Immigration policy on family reunification mirrors constitutional provisions Partners can be excluded from hospital and other settings Unmarried fathers have to seek guardianships of their children
Relationships between lesbian and gay couples not recognised in law LGBT couples and lone parents can’t adopt Social welfare system based on ‘male breadwinner’ model