My Happy Family
My company is going to be a Nonprofit Organization. This organization is going to reach out to all the Hmong Children that are in foster home care. There are many resources out there, but there is haven’t been one for the Hmong foster children. I want to reach to those kids who need a home. This organization is going to encourage the Hmong community to adopt kids or be a foster parent. I want all the children to stay within there own neighborhood and their own communities.
MY Happy Family believes in loving and caring and being together. Helping each other when we need help, reaching out to help children who need a place to call home.
1. All children that are place in home should not and will not be harmed psychologically or physically by their foster parents or adopted parents. 2. All children will be treated equally. 3. There will be service and assistance help for both parents and child to get along and understand each other.
Life is all about loving and caring.