LTA at NSIDC Summary of Activities, Current Status Presented to PoDAG, October 2003 Ruth Duerr, NSIDC Operations
LTA - Activities and Current Status, presented to PoDAG October, 2003 Summary of Activities NSIDC and NGDC continue to work closely together to further our joint goals Collaborated on FY05 initiative o NESDIS NPOESS Data Processing and Distribution o Some ideas adopted by non-data center NESDIS orgs Collaborated on letter detailing the adverse consequences to NOAA if snow, ice and land products did not come to/stay at NGDC/NSIDC Reviewed NGDC-drafted “Guidelines for a NESDIS Policy on Satellite Data Archives and Scientific Stewardship”
LTA - Activities and Current Status, presented to PoDAG October, 2003 Summary of Activities (con’t) Collaborated on a snow and ice project for the NOAA FY06 PAC initiative Participating in Boulder NPOESS Users Group, formed by C. Elvidge
LTA - Activities and Current Status, presented to PoDAG October, 2003 CLASS For much of the past year, NOAA has solidly maintained that CLASS would be the archive for EOS and NPOESS data CLASS as originally envisioned was a monolithic archive located in Suitland, MD and Asheville, NC CLASS funding for EOS data in FY ‘03 was zeroed out; FY ‘04 funding covers L0, L1A MODIS data only CLASS is in the process of being reorganized - a more distributed model seems likely NGDC has members on the CLASS development team (Eric Kihn, others)
LTA - Activities and Current Status, presented to PoDAG October, 2003 NPP/NPOESS Activities T. Scambos and F. Fetterer co-investigators with C. Elvidge (lead) on a no cost proposal to be a member of NASA NPP science team - no announcements made yet Florence Fetterer, NSIDC’s NOAA liaison, is a member of the NOAA NPOESS Data Exploitation Team (used to be the NPOESS Implementation Team) NGDC/NSIDC responsible for LTA for snow, ice and land data per most recent NPOESS ConOps
LTA - Activities and Current Status, presented to PoDAG October, 2003 Current Status NGDC and NSIDC are working closely together to ensure that archival responsibilities for NOAA snow and ice data remain at NSIDC for the long term NGDC/NSIDC LTA responsibilities mentioned in the ConOps for NPOESS provide hope that precursor (DAAC EOS) data will remain at NSIDC