TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management1 The World Radiometric Reference and its Quality System ISO/IEC Wolfgang Finsterle, Isabelle Rüedi, and Silvio Koller Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management2 World Radiation Center The World Radiation Center (WRC) is operated by the Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD) by appointment of WMO. The WRC is financed by the Swiss governement. Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management3 WMO Mandate to WRC To maintain the World Standard Group (WSG) for the realization of the World Radiometric Reference (WRR) Note: The WRR has been defined in 1980 based on the mean value of 15 absolutely characterized cavity radiometers. The WRR is the primary standard for solar irradiance. Today the WRR is realized by the WSG, a group of currently six reference pyrheliometers permanently installed at PMOD/WRC. To ensure at all times the highest possible quality of its standards and testing equipment To serve as calibration center for regional radiation centers worldwide Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management4 Calibration Tasks Calibration of: Pyrheliometers Pyranometers with the Sun as source Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook WSG candidates World Standard Group
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management5 IPC - International Pyrheliometer Comparison This key event is held every 5 years since 1959 The goals are: - to ensure the homogeneity of solar irradiance measurements worldwide - to monitor WRR stability Participating instruments are compared to the mean value of WSG instruments validation of WRR stability based on IPC results Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook IPC-IX 2000
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management6 WMO, BIPM, and the WRR WMO and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) co-operate to ensure that meteorological data are traceable to SI units The quantity ‘Solar Irradiance’ was proposed to the Consultative Committee on Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR) The ‘connection’ between the WRR (W/m 2 ) and SI units needs to be validated Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management7 The Need for a Quality System The WRR was originally defined in 1980 as the average of 15 absolutely characterized cavity radiometers Since then it has served the meteorologial community as the primary standard for solar irradiance Several ISO standards now require traceability to the WRR The WRR is no longer only a meteorological standard but accepted in a much wider metrological community Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management8 Why ISO/IEC 17025? International recognition in the formal framework of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) requires a Quality System (QS) according to the international standard ISO/IEC Conformance with ISO/IEC is also more and more requested by calibration customers. The QS at PMOD/WRC was introduced in December 2004 and presented to EUROMET QS-Forum 12 in February Major goal of the quality system: To maintain the WSG and thus the WRR with the highest possible stability and to provide the highest possible world-wide homogeneity for solar irradiance measurements. Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management9 PMOD / WRC Quality Management Quality Manger Department Absolute and Shortwave Radiometry Head of Department Department Infrared Radiometry Not yet integrated Department WORCC Not yet integrated QS Organization At this time the Quality System at PMOD/WRC covers only the department of ‘Absolute and Shortwave Radiometry’. It is planned to be extended in the future to cover all departments at PMOD/WRC. Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management10 QS Responsibilities Transfer and implementation of top level QS into department Full responsibility for department specific QS issues WSG and data evaluation Head of Department Execution and records of calibration tasks Laboratory Assistant Top level QS tasks Improvement and adaptation of the quality management handbook and associated documentation Quality Manager Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management11 Management Requirements 1.Document Control 2.Contracts 3.Changes / Complaints / Non-conformities 4.Audits / Management Reviews The goal was to introduce already used, well-established processes into QS and to adapt them only where necessary 1 and 2 were basically existing, 3 and 4 had to be defined and implemented Short experience time => usefulness and user friendliness still have to be proven Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook ISO/IEC requires standard procedures, mechanisms, and plans to be followed for
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management12 QS Technical Requirements Calibration / Validation Data evaluation procedures and timing definitions for every instrument type need to be documented –Pyrheliometers: based on ISO 9059 –Pyranometers: based on ISO 9846 Differences to standards are stated in QS documentation Techniques: –Use of reference standards (voltmeters) –Indirect comparison WSG <> cryogenic radiometer –Assessment of uncertainties Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management13 QS Technical Requirements Environmental Conditions – Clear sky – Continuous weather watch during the calibration – Standard room temperature at data acquisition unit – Prohibited use of cell phones near DAQ hardware ISO/IEC requires Traceability to SI units, but: WRR is a primary reference WRR is the only primary reference for solar irradiance in the world (no key comparisons possible) To-date cryogen radiometers cannot measure solar irradiance only indirect power comparisons are possible Power comparisons to national cryogen standards Reference voltmeter calibration at certified laboratory Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management14 QS Technical Requirements Individual estimates of uncertainties for each WSG member instrument were calculated Original estimate of absolute uncertainty for the WRR relative to SI units is +/- 0.3% Relative uncertainty WRR transfer < 300 ppm (Confirmed by IPC 1985 – 2000 results) Individual estimates of uncertainties for different calibration items (instrument types) were calculated Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook ISO/IEC requires detailed estimates of the uncertainties
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management15 Comparison WRR/SI Results from recent intercomparisons between the WRR and cryogenic standards at METAS (Bern) and NPL (London) Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook by Sandra Moebus metas NPL
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management16 Outlook Implement requests from EUROMET QS-Forum 12 1 st review of PMOD/WRC QS Challenging tasks: –Enlargement of parallel data acquisition capability (2-3 years) –DAQ S/W development for IPC 2010 –Integration of the remaining two PMOD departments (Infrared and WORCC) Introduction PMOD/WRC Tasks IPC Metrology Quality System Organization Responsibilities Management Reqirements Technical Requirements Comparison WRR/SI Outlook
TECO2005WRC/PMOD Quality Management17 Thank you! Any questions? pmodwrc.ch