Social Protection in the Post-2015: Framing the targets 6 th SPIAC-B meeting New York, 3 February 2015 Vinicius Pinheiro Deputy Director – ILO Office for.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Protection in the Post-2015: Framing the targets 6 th SPIAC-B meeting New York, 3 February 2015 Vinicius Pinheiro Deputy Director – ILO Office for the UN

Building blocks of the new agenda: Work in progress… Member states: Declaration/Narrative – the vision SDGs and targets (OWG 17 Goals and 169 targets), informed by the discussions on indicators (TST and UN Statistics Commission) Means of implementation and global partnership (in Financing for Development Follow up and review UN/UNDG Delivery: UN Fit for Purpose

Timeline Feb17-20: IGN P Declaration March 1-5: UN Stats Commission - Indicators April 20-24: Means of Implementation and Global Partnerships May : Follow up and Review June 22-25: Drafting sessions July 13-16: Financing for Development Conference (Addis Ababa) July : Final drafting sessions September 25-27: UN Summit to Adopt the P2015 agenda

SG’s vision: 6 essential elements References to decent work and social protection are mainstreamed across the report

Next step 1: Controlled “technical proofing” of the targets? Level of ambition: Does it fall below already existing agreements and international law Consistency: Does it duplicate or is inconsistent with other targets? Measurability, “implementability”: Is it precise, specific, measurable and action orientated? Outcome, process, policy statements?

OWG SDGs document: SP Targets Poverty: 1.3 implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable Health: 3.8 achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all Gender: 5.4 recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies, and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate Inequality: 10.4 adopt policies especially fiscal, wage, and social protection policies and progressively achieve greater equality

Framing target 1.3… Outcome: By 2030 achieve substantial social protection coverage of the poor and vulnerable ▫What is substantial? ▫ Level of ambition: to reach out poor and vulnerable or to prevent poverty and vulnerability? ▫How to define SP coverage? Legal x Effective; Eligible x Recipients; contigencies Process/action: implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors ▫Comprehensiveness – systems, measures and floors ▫Appropriateness = adequacy ▫For all = universal policies Consistency

Next step 2: Defining global indicators (UNSC) A global set of core indicators, accompanied by complementary national indicators One indicator per target, max 120 indicators for the overall framework (!) Relevance Measurability Methodological soundness Easy to understand and communicate (avoid composite indicators) Level of disaggregation Availability (not a constraint)

Next step 3: Means of Implementation and financing Define baselines Costing/financial forecasts Fiscal space/debt sustainability analysis (IMF- WB-ILO-UNICEF-UNDP) Domestic resources mobilization strategies Issues-based resources pooling and funding mechanisms Financing for development – Global Social Protection Floor Fund

Next step 4: Monitoring and follow up Based on already existing mechanisms, data bases and reports National, country-led, multi-stakeholder participation, supported by UN/IFIs Regional supported by the Commissions Global hosted by the High Level Political Forum (HLPF), including: ▫Thematic component, built on existing issues- based accountability platforms and coordination mechanisms (SPIAC-B, GMG, etc) ▫Global partnership review

Next step 5: Delivering Normative frameworks integrated with operational activities (ILO Recommendation 202, and Conventions) Shift focus from developing countries to universal Integrated and coherent system-wide policies and strategies Multi-stakeholder engagement, partnerships and issue-based coalitions Integrated business models, including operational modalities, funding and transparency Common assessment tools

Final remarks: Implications Strong call for policy coherence, coordination and integration Comprehensive agenda will lead to prioritization and sequencing at country level: SP advocacy is needed Link normative and operational Policy and programming framework will be aligned with the SD goals, targets and indicators Multi-stakeholder partnerships and funding raising strategies consistent with SDGs Deeper integration and joint-programming at country level aligned with national sustainable development plans. Issues-based coalition such as the SPIAC-B will need to be strengthened

Thank you!