Customs Subject-Matter-Experts (SMEs) Les Davies, SME 0
1 Customs Subject-Matter-Experts (SMEs) Introduction What is a SME ? The Role of the SME The Work of the SME
2 Subject-Matter-Experts What is a SME SMEs are Subject-Matter-Experts –With Diverse Subject Matter Backgrounds u Account Managers, Import Specialists, Entry Specialists, Inspectors, Agents, Auditors, Finance, Technical and more They do the Work of Customs –Field Officers Assigned Directly from Ports u Land Border, Airport, Seaport, Big Ports and Little Ports, Inbound and Outbound, In-Bond and more –HQ Program Officers w/National Perspective –National Data Center Staff –Customs Academy Staff
3 Subject-Matter-Experts What is a SME (Continued) Assigned to Modernization (CMO) for: –2 Years, or 6 Months, or 90 Days Located in Alexandria, Virginia Other SMEs Located Elsewhere Work Across Multiple Task Orders –TO1, TO2, TO3, TO4, TO5, TO6, TO7, TO#? Work on ACE Increments / Releases
4 Subject-Matter-Experts Role of the SME A Resource to the eCP –Help Explain the “As-Is” –Help Define the “To-Be” –Sounding Board for First Starts / Drafts –Review Documents / Deliverables –Emphasize Complexity of Trade Processes u Depth and Breadth, Exceptions and Nuances –Requirements u “What do you Want the System to Do?” u Help Incorporate TSN Requirements
5 SME Focus is on: –System Integration, Flexibility, Scalability –Customs Responsibilities u Mission and Strategic Goals u Statutory, Regulatory and Policy –Trade Community Concerns u TSN and TSN Committees and Other –Participating Government Agencies (PGAs) u Integration into ACE of Enhanced International Trade Data System (ITDS) functionality Subject-Matter-Experts SME Work
6 Participate on: –Process Analysis Teams (PATs) –Integrated Process Teams (IPTs) –Tiger Teams –Peer Reviews –Various Boards Represent and Report Subject-Matter-Experts SME Work
7 ACE Business Activities –Accounts –Transactions (Import/Export) –Selectivity –Enforce –Business Data Subject-Matter-Experts SME Work
8 Review ACE: –Program and Project Plans (Planning) –Desired Business Results (DBRs) –Concept of Operations (CONOPS) –System Requirements Document (SRD) –Requirements Specification Set (RSS) –Enterprise Architecture (EA) –Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) –Transition & Sequencing Change Management (TSCM) –Organizational Change Management (OCM) Subject-Matter-Experts SME Work
9 ? Questions