OPENING SPEECHES Your Country’s stance on the debated issues Reason’s why your nation has this opinion Opportunity to find other delegates to work with for resolutions
OPENING SPEECHES Think of something unique. Include one or two interesting facts about your country, things that make it unique What problems are faced by your people? Hunger, unclean water, disease, global warming, refugees, aggressive neighbors, conflicts Why is this topic important to your country? Destabilizes region, is a cause of poverty, kills lots of people in your country, violates principles that your country thinks are important What do you think should be the first step to ‘solving’ the problem presented by the topic? Choose something that addresses the reasons why this topic is important to your country What solutions can you propose? Be creative
HOW THE SPEECHES ARE CONDUCTED Delegation name called by your Chair Go to the podium to present your speech Bring your Placard to the podium Begin the speech when you are told by Chair Deliver the speech under the time limit When you’re finish and chair asks you to go, respond “So yield it” or “Yes”
SOME REMINDERS Be aware of the Time limit: 45 sec to 1 min talk in formal & 2nd person language Know your country’s stance Always begin with a respectful title to the Chair and other delegates Always prepare your speech before the conference Be in character
SOME TIPS Prepare your speech BEFORE the conference Practice a bit Relax, don’t stress out on it HAVE FUN by being in Character