Preparing a Speech Turning your written essay into a great speech
What is the point of a speech? A speech is the best way to make a connection with other people People usually listen better than they read If you want to be heard, you must be willing to SPEAK! Some of the most important moments in history are speeches.
Remember this? Pay attention to how he delivers his speech: The slowness, the sincerity, the clarity
How about this? Pay attention to his mix of humor and sincerity (speech from Nick Yap)
Speeches These were two very different speeches But they were both effective at their purpose What’s the purpose of your speech? TO GET ELECTED PRESIDENT of the USA!
Plan and Rehearse Give your speech to anyone who will listen Mom, dad, brother, sister Even your cat! Listen to their feedback and be willing to make adjustments
Plan and Rehearse And if you can’t find anyone, your mirror will always listen Try videoing yourself and watching it back, too! No matter hard it is to watch yourself, video recording is the single best way of judging your performance Don’t forget about the time: 2-5 minutes
Writing a Great Speech Your essay is already about 75% of your speech Remaining 25% will be written today *Important: change your textual evidence from a quote to paraphrasing. Make it sound like you’re just talking about something you did as a child, not quoting an author.
Writing a Great Speech Step 1: Make it about “You” and “Me” Speeches are a one-way conversation so make sure your audience knows you’re talking to them Try beginning with something like: “My fellow Americans,” or “Fellow citizens of the greatest country on Earth.” Throughout your speech, try adding a few lines about how much you care about “you, the American people.”
Writing a Great Speech Step 2: Humble-brag Everyone wants to know how awesome you are, without it looking like YOU think you’re awesome Try adding a couple lines about being “humbled to get your vote,” And make sure you have awesome accomplishments, but sound embarrassed by them “All of the credit to my cancer cure should go to those wonderful lab rats. They’re the TRUE heroes.”
Writing a Great Speech Step 3: End with a bang Your last words are the last chance to convince your audience to vote for you They are the last thing they will remember MLK was brilliant at closing with his most inspiring line “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we’re free at last.” Pick one way in which the voter should remember you (Strength? Humor? Conviction?)
Delivering your Speech Three things to remember 1. Your Posture Stand up straight, full weight on both feet 2. Eye contact Try to make eye contact with everyone in the room at least once Don’t stare at the ground, at your speech or at one person only 3. Tone of voice The best speeches sound also sound interesting!
Summary Rehearse – When? Speech is one-way conversation – with who? ______brag – What? When to be most inspiring? Posture? Voice? Eye-contact?