Project Overview 05/09/2011
Who is included? 05/09/2011
What is a Sustainable Region? An urban, suburban or rural community that has more housing and transportation choices, is closer to jobs, shops and schools, is more energy independent and helps protect clean air and water. 05/09/2011 Social Equity Economic Return Environmental Protection The Triple Bottom Line
How are we going to do it? GENERAL TIMELINE Form Work Groups & Start Education Data & Trends Review & ValidationYear 1 Develop Vision and Goals Develop & Select Future Scenario Year 2 Prepare Elements & Review Plan Adopt Vision, Elements & Solutions Year 3 Implement Solutions 05/03/2011
What sustainability means for my family… What sustainability means for my neighborhood… What sustainability means for my town or city… What sustainability means for our region… How can we make it relevant?
Contact Information Mark E. Kirstner, AICP Project Manager Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation Kathy Hinshaw, BS UNCG-Center for New North Carolinians Piedmont Triad Sustainable Communities Planning Project Latino Outreach Coordinator / /09/2011