Introduction 1-1 Lecture 1 University of Nevada – Reno Computer Science & Engineering Department Fall 2015 CPE 400 / 600 Computer Communication Networks Prof. Shamik Sengupta Office SEM 204
Course Overview 2 What is the course about? Introductory course for computer networking What is a network? Focus on computer networks How computer networks work Detailed underlying mechanisms Both in wired and wireless domain Flaws in current computer networks Goal: Learning protocols, principles and challenges
Course Overview 3 Timing and Contact Information Class meeting time: Monday and Wednesday 1:00pm – 2:15pm Office hours: SEM 204 Monday & Wednesday 11am-12:30pm or by appointment Use subject: “CPE 400” or “CPE 600” Office Phone:
Course Overview 4 Course Material Information Course materials: Reqd. Text: 1.James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet", Addison-Wesley, 6th edition. Reference texts: 1.Class notes and slides 2.Reading Materials provided by me 3.References to current materials from journals, magazines and websites 4.Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall, "Computer Networks", Prentice Hall; 5 edition. 5.Any Computer Networking Book
Course Overview 5 Material Information (contd.) Class WWW site: Syllabus Project materials and final projects will be uploaded here for demo Other Reading Materials will be posted in WebCampus Class notes Articles Assignments Everyone needs to check WebCampus for Announcements Grades
Course Overview 6 Course Syllabus Overview Computer network overview, Layered architecture Application layer protocols HTTP, FTP, SMTP DNS Transport layer protocols and mechanisms TCP connection management, congestion control, flow control UDP and other protocols Network layer mechanisms Routing algorithms Congestion control algorithms, traffic shaping and policing Internetwork routing Packet fragmentation IP addressing
Course Overview 7 Course Syllabus Overview (contd.) Data Link Layer Framing Error control Medium Access Control sublayer Ethernet ATM Wi-Fi Bridges VLAN Physical Layer Data and Signals Digital and analog data Flaws in current networking architectures
Course Overview 8 Course Syllabus Overview (contd.) The topics taught in class will be associated with hands-on practical assignments Simulator programs May be based on Wireshark network protocol analyzer tool (available freely from Everybody needs to have internet access
Course Overview 9 Student Assessment Homework assignments Approx. 4 Theoretical and Practical problem solving assignments In-class quiz Approx. 4, Will be announced one week in advance 15 min quiz at the beginning of class followed by regular class Midterm Exam Approx. 1 hour, Monday, October 26 th Syllabus for midterm: materials covered till midterm Project Due by Monday, November 23 rd Final Exam Comprehensive, Monday December 14th, 10:15-12:15pm
Course Overview 10 Student Assessment (Project) CPE 400 (Due: Monday, Nov. 23 rd ) One Network Programming Project Individual project Decide on a particular network protocol or application and simulate the protocol/application using program Confirm your protocol to Instructor as early as possible Submission will require a paper turning in code that compiles and runs properly a report documenting the code and a report explaining the functionality of the protocol any deviation from ideal behaviors expected (out of the box thinking!) If the project results in an outstanding demo, that will be posted on Instructor website and will be sent to a potential demo conference or workshop Python, C/C++, or Java would be ideal for the programming project
Course Overview 11 Student Assessment (Project) CPE 600 (Due: Monday, Nov. 23 rd ) One Research Paper Project Individual project Discuss with Instructor and decide on a particular network topic that will not be covered in class Write an IEEE survey & tutorial style paper on that topic emphasizing Related works on that topic Potential open issues and challenges Providing potential solution directions for those challenges Submission will require An IEEE survey & tutorial style paper following the IEEE format Any program with code documentation (if applicable) Outstanding papers will be sent to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials ( Journal for potential publications
Course Overview 12 Student Assessment (tentative) CPE 400 Grading: (4) In-class Quiz10% (4) Homework assignments20% (1) Midterm exam30% (1) Project15% (1) Final exam25% Strict Late policy (TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION) Permission needed for exceptional circumstances with proper documents Homework assignments Late homework assignments will be penalized by 20% per day Programming Project Late project assignment will be penalized by 20% per day
Course Overview 13 Student Assessment (tentative) CPE 600 Grading: (4) In-class Quiz10% (4) Homework assignments20% (1) Midterm exam25% (1) Project25% (1) Final exam20% Strict Late policy (TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION) Permission needed for exceptional circumstances with proper documents Homework assignments Late homework assignments will be penalized by 20% per day Programming Project Late project assignment will be penalized by 20% per day
Course Overview 14 Grading Scale 80 and aboveA 70 and above but below 80B 60 and above but below 70C 50 and above but below 60D F
Course Overview 15 Important Days Academic Calendar: First Day of ClassMonday, Aug 24 Labor Day (no classes; campus closed)Monday, Sep 7 MidtermMonday, Oct 26 Veterans Day (no classes; campus closed)Wednesday, Nov 11 Project DueMonday, Nov 23 Last day of in-class instructionMonday, Dec 7 Prep Day (no classes; campus open)Wednesday, Dec 9 Final ExamMonday, Dec 14, 10.15am-12.15pm
Questions? 16
Entry Poll 17