Nature and Nurture Biopsychology
Goals: What is the nature-nurture issue? What are key issues in behavior genetics? What are the elements of the genetic code? How do twin studies and adoption studies help us to learn about nature and nurture influences? What are the research findings related to environmental influences of early brain dev, parents, peers, and culture?
Behavior Genetics Studies how our families, friends, and culture affect us.
Nature and Nurture Nature=genes Nurture=environment
What are genes? eu_TDFc eu_TDFc Also see diagram of Nucleus, cell, chromosome, Gene, and DNA on p 39 of your textbook.
Reminder about genes They are predispositions but don’t completely dictate our appearance and behaviors! Ex: Cancer: We aren’t doomed because we have a family history of cancer. Environment also plays a role.
Twin Studies Is homosexuality genetic? hw3nMA hw3nMA
Environmental Impact Twins separated at birth: zW4jOMI zW4jOMI
Are parents to blame for their “bad” children? M4JUwfJM M4JUwfJM
Early Learning, peer influence, and culture Growing up in the same environment only accounts for abt 10% of personality. Other factors: Early Learning: Rat study 20% inc in communication connections in brain of rats in enriched environment. Premies grow faster when touched a lot Poor 6 th graders had higher IQ scores if they were given stimulating care as infants
Peer and Parent influence Peers have bigger impact on smoking rates Immigrants adopt local culture at school Parents are more imp for discipline, education, responsibility, orderliness, charitableness and response to authority.
Cultural Influence 6RO8Rcs&feature=related 6RO8Rcs&feature=related Individualism vs. Collectivism
Review What is the nature-nurture issue? What are key issues in behavior genetics? What are the elements of the genetic code? How do twin studies and adoption studies help us to learn about nature and nurture influences? What are the research findings related to environmental influences of early brain dev, parents, peers, and culture?