European New HST & MMI Demo Nacho León María Arévalo Jonas Haase Jesús Salgado Deborah Baines Bruno Merín ESAC 20 January 2015
Introduction: The ESAC Science Archives Different missions: Astronomy, Planetary, Solar System, … Different types of data: Raw data, calibrated processed data, high level data products, … Different Users: Scientific Community (public access) PI team and observers (controlled access) Science Operations Team (privileged access) Common Architecture and Look and Feel: Better corporate image for ESA Easier development, operations and maintenance Planning based around 3 major goals: Enable maximum scientific exploitation of data sets Enable efficient long-term preservation of data, software and knowledge, using modern technology Enable cost-effective archive production by integration in, and across, projects HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 2
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 3 Legacy Archives Archives in dev. Active Archives Planck ISO Herschel Lisa Pathfinder Euclid Hypparcos Gaia HST XMM-Newton EXOSAT INTEGRAL CosB IUE
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 4 SOHO Venus Express Bepi Colombo Giotto Proba-2 Solar Orbiter Ulysses Cluster Juice Mars Express Cassini Huygens Rosetta Legacy Archives Archives in dev. Active Archives
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 5 Timeline of events for eHST June European HST Archive moved from ESO/ST-ECF to ESAC Migration of all existing archive functionalities from ST-ECF to ESAC Archive moved “as is” January 2013 – Start of eHST project European HST Archive developed using Science Archives Team infrastructure Long-term preservation of data, software and knowledge, using modern technology End 2014 – First beta version of European new HST Archive Core HST data End 2015 – First public version of European new HST Archive HLA & High Level Science products included
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 6 Hubble Archives coordination Monthly teleconf between centres (STScI, CADC, ESAC) Annual Archive Coordination Meeting HST pipelines & software packages from STScI CRDS reference file system in 2014 Inclusion of OWL Pipeline in 2015 Archive backend framework (HST Cache) synchronized with CADC Common project to clean up all metadata (EHST/CAOM) Meta-data structured and fixed the same way Footprints for all data Document all meta-data
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 7 Demo of eHST beta version eHST DEMO
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 8 The Multi-Mission Interface Goal: to facilitate data discovery and archival science for non-expert users Multi-wavelength Project agnostic Exploration Interface to all astronomy archives Current status is a first prototype Multi-mission interface Herschel XMM- Newton HSTPlanckISOIntegralEXOSATFuture..
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 9 The Multi-Mission Interface (prototype) Ingredients of first prototype: Access to data in individual archives All-sky (aka HiPS) Footprints Use cases of first prototype: Explore multi-wavelength skies Single and multiple targets Images and catalogues only, selected missions Part-time development from Feb. to Jun and user testing since June.
HST & MMI Demo | ESAC | 20/Jan/2014 | Pag. 10 Demo of MMI MMI DEMO