TODAY: From The Sun’s Perspective: Aristarchus Occam’s Razor The Copernican Theory Giordano Bruno Brahe and Kepler Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion
THE HELIOCENTRIC SYSTEM OF ARISTARCHUS We have no written record of this system by Aristarchus himself. --all his works (except the one mentioned above) were lost when the library in Alexandria was burned. Written accounts of this system are found in "The Sand Reckoner" by Archimedes ( BC) and "On the Face of the Moon Disc" by Plutarch ( AD). Features: 1. Planets orbit the sun, explaining retrograde motion 2. stellar parallax not seen because stars are at great distance.
William of Occam ~1200 AD OCCAM’S RAZOR— a simpler workable theory is a better one.
Giordano Bruno--burned at stake in Universe is infinite! --Stars are suns with planets and beings on them.
Brahe’s Observatory at Uraniborg, Denmark
Kepler’s First Law: Planets move in ellipses.
Kepler’s 3 rd Law P = period, a = avg dist. to sun = semi-major axis.
Planetary orbit eccentricities—how stretched is orbit? Mercury.206 Venus.0068 Earth.0167 Mars.0934 Jupiter.0485 Saturn.0556 Uranus.0472 Neptune.0086 Pluto.25